Monday, January 18, 2010

Healthiest Greek Yougurt

Slave of fate - 2nd Chapter

Dopo che ci ebbero legati gli uni agli altri, le guardie ci fecero scendere malamente dai carri e fatti camminare in una strada affolata, mostrati con orgoglio agli occhi della popolazione, giunta ad accoglierci tra insulti e risate di scherno.
Procedevamo lentamente essendo stanchi, affamati e sopratutto impauriti.
Cercai di mantenere sempre un buon passo per evitare di attirare su di me le ire dei soldati che ci accompagnavano. Quella gente non esitava ad usare la violenza ed io per il momento non avevo bisogno di ulteriori maltrattamenti.
Il fetore che aleggiava intorno a noi era molto intenso e in gran parte proveniva da noi stessi. Abbassai lo sguardo per osservare quel che rimaneva della mia tunica battesimale: Era sporca di fango e del sangue di mio fratello oramai incrostato sul tessuto.
Pensare a Glauco e alla mia famiglia era un dolore intollerabile, Dio quanto mi mancavano, se solo avessi potuto piangere la loro morte sfogando tutto il dolore che mi portavo nel petto, forse ora controllare le mie emozioni sarebbe stato più semplice, ma purtroppo non toccava a me decidere, ora la mia vita era nelle mani di questi esseri demoniaci, che non conoscevano ne grazia ne misericordia.
Grande era lo schiamazzo della folla corsa ad osservarci, e più remain impassive, more provocations against us increased.
A child should not have more than eight years, he stooped to pick up a handful of mud from the ground and throw him to a man who was little more ahead of me in line. These
pretended nothing, just get up his hands - which were linked to each other - to wipe his face and he walked into his eyes straight ahead.
Trying not to get myself noticed peered furtively around me getting undressed in the dark stone buildings along the road, while in the distance you could see a big strong, imposing, dominating the city.
Everything seemed devoid of color, yet I must admit that there was something wild in everything, something that fascinated. The people who lived
that place were very different from what I was used to observe every day.
were higher, imposing men and devoid of any trace of delicacy, their faces pale and bright eyes gaze hard, typical of those who live daily in a harsh reality surrounded by a few joys. But above all, each of them had a mass of long hair and untamed wilderness.
At that time I stumbled on a rock that jutted from the ground. I felt my ankle twist and immediately grow to a throbbing pain strattapparmi a little moan. Clenched teeth I went to lay the weight on the foot in another step. I would certainly stop for a little crooked, I ignored the pain going forward as any other person would do in my condition.
"Come on, faster than human scum" snap a whip on the ground near my feet. I put my gaze to my left suddenly frightened by the noise. I tried to speed up the pace in an attempt to avoid arousing the wrath of man next to me, but my clumsy attempts did nothing but draw your attention to me.
How to reassert his superiority waved his whip in a menacing "What are you looking bitch, rather than walking."
I bit my lower lip to prevent myself to complain. I tried so
Accell pace, but my feet already aching protest strongly when the criminally sovraccaricai del mio peso, e finii così per inciampare e cadere fuori dalla fila. Annaspai inpaurita cercando di rimettermi in piedi, poi chiusi gli occhi preparandomi gia a ricevere un colpo. Con mia vergogna inizia a tremai, piena di paura per il trattamento che avrei ricevuto, ma inaspettatamente invece di sentire una sferzata, sentii delle mani che stringendomi saldamente per le spalle, mi aiutavano ad alzarmi.
Una volta in piedi aprii gli occhi ritrovandomi a fissare un uomo dallo sguardo di un blu intenso nel quale trovai qualcosa che non mi sarei mai aspettata di ricevere: Gentilezza.
Dovevo essere rimasta imbambolata a fissarlo perché lo sconosciuto mi diete una piccola, ma gentile spinta "Vai".
Ricominciai a camminare voltando la testa per cercare di guardarlo ancora, ma poi lo persi di vista. Non avrei mai dimenticato quell'unico gesto umano che per la prima volta da giorni mi fu rivolto.

Tra strattoni, comandi ed insulti arrivammo finalmente al forte.
Degli uomini a cavallo ci stavano aspettando di fronte al grande cancello.
Indossavano delle splendite armature che gli conferivano un aria signorile, di certo doveva trattarsi di persone dalla levatura superiore rispetto a quell iche ci avevano catturato.
Uno di questi soldati si fece avanti rivolgendosi al capo del nostro gruppo
"A quanto vedo la missione è stata un successo" la voce era profonda e pesantemente accentata "Quanti ne avete portati indietro?"
"Inizialmente erano in settantotto, then during the journey we have lost some "
" Now those who were then? "
" Forty "The way in which it moved slightly jerky caught my attention
" Did you find strength? "man's gaze was hard such as steel and showed no sign of approval.
"No sir, but the population was more numerous than expected, and to be sure of easy victory could not afford to make too many prisoners did not want to risk a revolt on the way return "
" I understand. We know, however, not very satisfied, but this time I'll be lenient with you and your companions. "
turning the horse went down again other men on horseback were waiting for him behind his back. I felt the
tesion melt in the soldiers next to us, as if they had pulled simultaneously breathed a sigh of solievo ... sin would have been nice to see their blood stained the ground.
I found myself staring at the men insisted on horseback, but quickly looked away. I peered discreetly around me, but apparently no one had noticed.
The horsemen turned to look at first to spur their horses and go, but what should be their leader stopped a moment beside the warriors in front of the pack
"usual treatment for the prisoners, but this time break it up into three groups "
" Yes sir, "replied the parent, while resting on one knee, lowering his head in respect.
standing up he turned to us and began to roar aloud, "Come move Priama filthy beasts that make you go I want to stand still for idle"
As if we were one man resumed moving. Once past the first gate we were to take a marble corridor to then lead into the large square in the fort.
We were advances from the clash of swords clashing ably different from each other. Individuai so the group of soldiers to our right which hovered with hypnotic movements on their own in a dance made up of blocks and stored. I was amazed to see how those warriors were graceful despite their size. Of course they were formidable fighters. Only later I noticed the
cateneaffisse on the wall of the main building which was right opposite the entrance.
I could not help but wonder what it would do to us. Certainly their aim was not to kill us. At least not right away, which otherwise would have been the reason to keep us alive until then?
Serviglio We had a certain something, but it was damn hard to try to understand that people so different from us.
For them nothing seemed to be really important if not brute force, yet they claim the right to life and death, that right just waiting for the gods. While
dragged us into the main body building, I saw the soldiers who were fighting the first, interormpere their activities to look at us with smiles, apparently satisfied.
I wondered if they too would join the ranks of people ready to just do us harm.
entered the building, we were led to a flight of stairs. So we began the descent in our worst nightmares.

A large iron door creaked in a left and the guard who had shifted to one side open to let us pass. One by one we were pushed beyond the threshold.
The darkness hung heavy in the room, and it was so full that I was not able to distinguish even the outlines of things. There were folks there, the si poteva percepire anche dall'aria ferma e immobile che odorava di morte.
La porta fu chiusa dietro di noi, isolandoci in una dimensione priva di tutto quello che avevamo amato: Luce, aria, sole, acqua.
Cercai a tentoni una parete e la trovai dopo essere andata a sbattere contro tre persone. Una volta arrivata alla meta mi lascia cadere a terra poggiandovi la schiena.
Mi portai le ginocchia al petto e vi nacosi il volto.
Ogni movimento, ogni bisbiglio o gemito era amplicato dentro quella cella buia. Tirai dei respiri profondi ignorando il tanfo che c'era lì dentro. Cercai di escludere il mondo, anche se ora il mio mondo era quella realtà così dolorosa.
Respirai cercando di calmarmi, ma più respiravo più I felt my chest was beginning to be shaken by sobs quietly.
A small hand rested on my knees, sprang out of the head's eyes widened. A child of not more than 10 years approached me and looked at me long.
That made me see how much pain there was sadness in them;
was then that I let her go. Fecevo not do more to hold back tears;
Throwing out a trembling sigh, I wept convulsively embracing the child she had released the tears which until then had been left inside me to burn my throat.
shook me to imagine that child to embrace all the people who had been torn, then hugged her child to find the human warmth to then forgotten, I embraced that child to remind myself that human beings also meant to love and suffer, and I embraced that child to give him that comfort that only a person familiar with can give. These
free rein so not only to my pain, but also to everyone here that for the first time they shook off against each other, not asking questions or asking for answers, but just to prove to themselves that they had not yet over.
"It makes no sense, none of this makes sense." a woman with long hair ran a hand through his hair by now encrusted with dirt. "Nothing makes sense. Do not kill us, but we throw in here and wait. Wait for what?" a trace of hysteria spread the first voice weak.
He stood up shooting starting to walk back and forth. Rather than see her, I heard the sound of the soles of his shoes on the stone floor.
Everything was shrouded in a veil of darkness, only a thin light coming through the door there ridava partially blind.
"Yes there is a sense in all this, and we'll find out soon," the hoarse voice of a man joined me from the opposite corner of the cell. She was tired, and lacking in strength. "There's a reason why we have not been killed yet, and I think ..."
Ba Ba BAM . Shots were hammered on the door followed by a male voice very altered.
"Ei in there let it be silent and not force me ad entrare se non volete ricevere un trattamento che vi farà pentire di essere nati"
Una scarica di terrore si diffuse tra tutti i prigionieri. Mi rannicchiai sempre di più su me stessa tenendo vicino a me quel dolce bambino che mi si era avvicinato prima.
Fu quando il silenzio fu ristabilito da molto tempo che osai avvicinare la mia bocca all'orecchio del bambino e bisbigliare piano "Qual'è il tuo nome?"
Imitando a sua volta i miei movimenti, sentii le piccole labbra del bambino posarsi sul mio orecchio "Zefiro" fece una pausa "e il tuo?"
"Faolar, mi chiamo Faolar" poggiai la guancia sulla sua testa e sentii le sue braccia cingersi attorno alla mia vita.
"Sai io ti vidi, durante il battesimo, eri molto bella." Nascose timidamente il viso nell'incavo della mia spalla.
Il ricordo di quel giorno, oramai così lontano dalla mia vita attuale mi provocò un altra piccola stillettata al cuore "Grazie" le labbra mi tremarono e sospirando mi lasciai scivolare in un sonno privo di sogni.

Aprii gli occhi, sbattei le palpebre piu volte ma non riuscii a focalizzare nulla. Notai che la luce fievole che filtrava da sotto la porta era stata spenta.
Sentire il piccolo petto di Zefiro premuto contro il mio fianco alzarsi e abbassarsi regolarmente mi fece svegliare del tutto.
Piccoli singhiozzi trattenuti rompevano il silenzio glaciale che si era venuto a creare all'interno della cella.
Mi alzai cercando di non svegliare Zefiro, quelli of sleep were the only moments in which he could escape from reality and did not want to return it immediately to our staff limbo. But I had to pee.
Not having a bathroom, I reached a corner, however hesitantly, and after checking it was empty - waving his arms slicing through the air beside me - I leaned over and got the dirty rags that made my dress.
I was ashamed, never in my life I had to make a small thing, and although it was nothing compared to when I was past, losing the last shred of civilization made me get tears in my eyes.
The smell permeated the air that made me realize that I was not alone in having had this stimulus.
Moreover there were a lot in there, and there were all the conditions that you rimanessimo long.
That cell would soon be a latrine, if we had gone ahead of that pace.
I went back to my place, and when I sat down, I found waiting for me Zefiro awake though asleep. The
stroked her hair "You are a child corsaggioso"
whispered "I'm not afraid of the dark is afraid of men." made a little pause Faolar I feel tired, so tired. "
"Close your eyes and imagine then the green fields that run along our beautiful city, imagine to be there to run and watch the sun sleep and dreaming this." Do you feel
happens slowly nod and lie to me, placing his head on my lap.
I tried to do too same, but images of the forest fire took place in my mind and eyes wide open while my brother stared at me a moment before his death made me open my way and began to cry again cercancado to release all the pain that I was accumulating inside me, failing miserably.
seemed that there was no end to tears, and when finally I did not have more to bring out those seemed I was staring at the dark hours in front of me with eyes that burn, I remembered that it was not over yet.

I do not know how many days we spent in that cell.
The time was marked by the approach of the soldiers who were announced by the heavy sound of their footsteps. They opened the
door was wide open and when it showed us a little light for a moment that in which we were transforming: derelict.
Those dark figures cast in the food and water brought from the bad taste.
I threw myself passionately about those leftovers in an attempt to take not only for me but for Zephyr, to which I was developing a great fondness: We were the strengths of each other.
more time passes the more the stench inside the big cell increased, the stench grew more and more the less noticed. By now I was accustomed to the darkness, inertia and bad smell. The only thing that I was getting used the constant state of terror in which not only I but all lived. It was after
molto tempo che la porta della nostra prigione si aprii per far entrare dentro molti uomini.
"Voi, forza alzatevi" l'uomo che ci aveva portato da mangiare fino ad allora indicò con voce perentoria un gruppetto di persone che si trovavano nella parete opposta alla mia.
"Sbrigatevi ho detto, se non volete che usi al frusta" facendo segno agli uomini che lo accompagnavano, aspettò che questi aiutassero i prigionieri ad alzarsi.
"Legateli immediatamente"
"Si signore" risposero in un corso scordinato gli uomini.
Ci avvicinammo l'uno a l'altro e strinsi Zefiro a me. Dove stavano portando quelle persone?
Tremando cercai di spostarmi più lontano possibile da loro.
Un mormorio impaurito si diffuse throughout the cell.
"Silence!" The man who gave the order smacked his whip on the floor with force.
"Damn how long it takes to tie the useless rags?" The men hurry up and finish the job and helping the prisoners out of the cell could count them. We were carrying away
After closing the door I was relieved it was not yet my turn. Obviously
slaves taken from our prison never came back.
During those long days of agony I wondered if they had killed, and if that was the fate that would have befallen the rest of us.
More time passed and all my fears took over the rule of reason.
I could not sleep, I could not think, I was barely able to eat. I stared at the blank in front of me constantly, never gave me no peace, and when I reached Zefiro asleep nightmares even though I did everything to drive them away.
I could no longer continue in that way I even knew myself.
Then they returned. The doors were flung open, letting the same people who had taken away our companions.
Everything went the same way, except that they will carry with them Zefiro.
BEFORE I ripped off the grin, hugged me, and when the guards did raise badly to tie his hands, held him screaming with all the breath I had in my throat
"No, leave it here with me please "
" Faolar "His tears Strazza the heart that was already bleeding.
" No, "I said with terror" No please no "I accepted my punishment came crying through the hands of the soldier who had tied Zephyr.
I watched him leave his cell, knowing that he would not return.
much pain I had to stand still? would ever be enough?
Once the darkness swallow me back to let it fall to the ground, and remained so for days, getting up only for to eat.
was incredible, despite everything that was going through, and the pain that I broke your heart in two parts, I felt the life force that flowed indomitable in my blood, against all expectations.
He was a mechanical act dictated by instinct rather than reason. Every time I got down and crawled to the center where I arrived with trembling fingers I collected what was enough for me and I drank as much as I could. Once done I went back to my niche, to my forgetfulness.
Day after day, this was the only thing that marked that sort of existence that I was living.
But as for the people before me, even my turn came and they came for me too.


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