young I wrote the office of the town of Bologna. I Am Sam in the mail and I already feel at home. They tell me that I will be publishing the best works that have participated in competitions Flash Comics the last 3 years. During BilBOlbul present the book. They ask me if I have a web space. I answer yes and log in contemporary Here we are, with a new space, all white will try to update frequently enough.
Dall'ultima apparizione sul web qualcosa si è smosso.
Io, Giorgio e Nico abbiamo la possibilità di pubblicare Vincenzo Migliore in Francia. Speriamo che vada tutto bene e che finalmente si parta. Io intanto ho buttato via le vecchie sceneggiature e ne sto scrivendo uno ex novo. 120
pagine. Sono a pagina 25 e finalmente mi diverto.
Io e Nicola abbiamo partecipato per la seconda volta al 24 HIC. Naturalmente a Sarzana dall'amico Pignatelli. Potete scaricare quello è venuto fuori qui or in the right column, where we also find that the past year.
Also with Nico, I took part in the competition organized by CIS in Tandem "A river noir" ending in the anthology of the best work. The book is difficult to find. But post the table of Nico and the story to make you understand what we did.
With Paul and Silvia we decided to publish that masterpiece that is Braso. Still it's all top secret, but I finished the script. 54 pages.
is out Band Protected , a register of childhood for adults. The idea is Checco . Register collective published by Double Shot . I edited the graphics and wrote the screenplay for "Walkabout", one of eight comics present in the book. They wasted reviews, appearances on radio and deejay tour around Italy.
with Nico I held a course on comics at Sarzana. Comic Project. We are at the end. I was fine, the boys have worked, we have carefully followed. I'll show you something.
I'm going to eat.
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