What I'm about to write exactly how I use it generally to delineate the characteristics of the populations of which I speak.
is a kind of scheme that helps me to make clear picture of the various civilizations in history, in order to avoid contradicting the story and even more to put myself in various characters.
ones I describe are a mix of cultures of some people really existed in history, only that will shape the course in a manner suited to me.
What I present now is the civilization of Faolar
Faolar of civilization is the civilization of ' Hellas, a peaceful people that has developed into an outlet on a small lake considered sacred, and they saw as a symbol of purity untouched, total. The waters are so beautiful and perfect as to be considered as protetette from the hands of a deity. No one dares to drink that water perché viene destinata a fini ben più importanti e simbolici. Utilizzano piccole quantità di quell'acqua cristallina solamente durante le funzioni cerimoniali, quali Battesimi e matrimoni .
- Non credo che debba raccontare nuovamente il rito del battesimo quanto piuttosto spiegare alcuni punti fondamentali. Secondo la popolazione di Faolar il battesimo non doveva essere praticato una volta venuti al mondo, ma piuttosto veniva visto come simbolo di rinascita, di abbandono della fase della fanciulezza nella quale non si era padroni della propria vita, verso una nuova maturita che aveva diramate davanti a se nuove strade e possibilità.Non vi era un età precisa nella quale battezzarsi, ma was something that should come naturally, just need to follow a single person. And like any ritual that you can not fail to comply with a small donation of blood as a seal at all. The blood has always been considered an incredibly powerful from any kind of culture, as it is a source of life itself, and runs in hot and fast we ready to stay in power.
- Durande the water symbolizes a wedding more romantic ideal. Marriage was usually celebrated at night, in the moment when the moon was clearly visible. It was the belief that every oath of love done under the eyes of the moon would have a stronger meaning almost divine, and with the blessing of the moon would also come in the hope of greater fertility. The married couple went well at night in the woods surrounding the town followed by his family and the priest who was carrying a small phial of holy water of the lake, this was sent down between her breasts and his chest, wanting to symbolize that as the sacred water flows quickly washing the sins of their bodies, so the fluid scorer love each other without any hindrance.
The city of Hellas is a thriving and peaceful, developed over two thousand years to count thousands of residents. The mountain ranges that surround
their territory, combined with several lakes, the population had almost totally isolated, but did not feel the need to seek contact with people outside, content is still a very large portion of land.
After the construction of the wall two thousand three hundred years before the population had grown so much that even begin to occupy the area surrounding the walls, up to the creation of small community a few miles away. At the time of
Faolar had come to create 27 community of which 14 were completely self-sufficient. Major roads in any event, connecting the various centers.
In the main city there were beautiful buildings of classical architecture. The color that predominated was that of white marble, which was abundant element around them.
The most important buildings were the ' amphitheater in which it was executed and beautiful representations that processes the ends of justice, the library that contained the writings of their ancestors, and the wonderful temples each dedicated to one of their gods.
Three times a week kept the market the country, where traders would meet each of these communities are ready to provide a number of things that otherwise there could have been.
as forms of payment were used both bronze coins featuring the 'ivy like effigy, sia il baratto .
A gestire la civiltà di Ellade, come rappresentanti della giustizia era il consiglio, composto dai 25 saggi della città, che a loro volta eleggevano il loro rappresentante supremo.
Ogni domenica tenevano una seduta di processi nell'anfieteatro nel quale risolvevano ogni questione portata davanti a loro dai cittadini stessi.
Ogni centro cittadino al di fuori delle mura di Ellade possedeva un rappresentante eletto popolarmente ed erano questi a porre all'attenzione dei saggi, i problemi che si avevano negli altri centri.
Quella che esisteva infatti era criminalità minore, esistevano si le prigioni, ma per ospitare criminali comuni as thieves, swindlers, and murderers, and consequently there were guards trained to control the situation.
why when the siege there was a real and concrete possibility to reject a mass attack.
traditional costumes:
The elladiani not had a real genuine fashion.
They wore long white robes all and sundry to the ankles with leather sandals.
What changed depending on the occasion were the seams with which these garments were woven.
- Gold Embroidery: embroidery were used daily
- Blue and Silver: used during traditional festivals Red and gold
- : were clothed during the marriage, or for women during pregnancy.
- Black : during times of mourning.
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