The warm rays of the afternoon sun kissed my face while kneeling with their eyes closed to honor the goddess of the lake.
I felt a smile on my lips when they bloom my senses - amplified by the merger - to perceive the sound of the wind moving in sinuous and elegant trees waving leaves and bringing with it the first signs of autumn.
The great and warm my father's hand rested on my shoulder.
the heart begins to beat faster and the peace until then harbored inside of me, gave way to a feeling of excitement and expectation that was transmitted to my eyes when I opened my eyes, finding myself staring at the smile boasts more than a father who loves his daughter so infinitely.
And so after months in deep meditation and contemplation of the nature of which I was part of the long awaited moment had arrived. At the age of nineteen
years I was ready to leave the remains of his childhood to adulthood, dressed in a new roof and a new awareness that I have finally made woman.
Without a word we made our way through the crowd knelt down and set off along with other young women on the bridge that connected the waterfront in the center of the pool of water around which, many centuries before, had taken the life of our civilization.
walking I stepped forward with confidence and lifted his chin proudly, happy that the day had finally come for me too. The water was
what is most sacred possessions. Make her thanks once a year and in its beautiful clear waters consecrated were coming to life. The sweet
sound of the flute wove around us thick and light texture that gave the ceremony an almost divine aura and primordial.
we were about to celebrate the rite was performed in the same way our ancestors. Nothing had changed because if not, was the bond that connects us to our origins would be broken and the magic that united us to mother earth and our ancestors would have vanished.
The priest sang in the ancient language accompanied by the sweet notes of the flute that vibrated in the air with infinite grace.
My father approached me leaving my hand and muttering the words of the song dropped the robe from my shoulders, giving her movements with those of other fathers in a simple dance how old. I stood naked in front of him, no longer aware of the gaze of others, letting the wind and my hair gently caress the body.
kneeling near the bank joined hands cupped in his palms and collected the water that would bless my body, purifying it.
pouring on my head, then took the knife from portogli an acolyte to his right and began to apply a little pressure so the tip, there where the heart beats to the rhythm of life and intense heat.
"Those who were able to accompany you, you're part of my heart, nell'impervia life, giving strength when the weakness of his game and you will be spreading the sunshine where darkness will cover your steps. Those people already trod the green of the meadows, relive hours.
O 'my beautiful rose, you love will never fail. Listen to the father tuoanche now that you are a woman. "
And finally I felt the blade tenderly affected my skin, to seal a deal so old they can not be satisfied with nothing less than blood, because it is contained the key to the most powerful ever existed, basing its strength on all that is primordial still remains with us.
crimson drops dripped from the wound. The picked with the tip finger to his lips and took Lanba with the language as well as tradition dictated. Prendedone new walked to the center of the clearing where I was handed a scroll.
Kneeling, I opened the parchment and began to draw my own blood with a sacred symbol: a stick with two snakes twisted it.
rolling up the parchment, sealed it with a bit of ivy. After all the other young women had done the same thing we went around the torch, and in a moment of intense silence burned the scrolls at the same time.
was then that the priest caught up with us again accompanied by the music so melodious. With a candy
cloth, wipe my wound and step on it from an ointment strong musky odor.
"What time you are free to reach out to what I was reserved and that this fate is always beside you gracious"
A new robe was slipped over my arms up, my father kissed me on the forehead and taking me by the arm led me to my family who was waiting impatiently to be able to celebrate.
My mother, Clizia, I smiled sweetly, and my brother took me laughing in Glauco arm spinning me round intondo as I liked as a child.
"Welcome among us adults shorty" said molding a sound kiss on the cheek. "You were beautiful, not equaled your splendor" giving a small tug on the collar of his tunic I waved for me to lay on the ground "Well now you can not find me down?"
was then that I felt a little tug his tunic, looked down, and Glauco me lying on the ground, and saw the beautiful brown curls of Iris that I handed him a bouquet of lavender, from which rose a delicious fragrance. "Lavender for you sister, I have brought you a whole bunch so you're sure to find her husband soon. "
My people used lavender as a symbol of pure love, so that soon became customary for all young women ready to abandon celibacy if they were to tie a small twig in her hair, just behind the ear for identification and highlight this research.
gently took the bouquet from her hands of child smiling, "You're so eager to get rid of me, Iris?" I took it around a bit. By opening its soft green eyes hastened to assure me "No sister, it's just that .."
".. that I need much help finding someone" I finished for her. "No no you do not need it for that, from here," he recovered the bouquet in her hand, pulling a pout that made it even more delicious, "I keep it then I".
all burst out laughing. "Just kidding I understand your gesture and I thank you give me hours, keep it with care" the stroked her hair, with a tongue as she gave me what was my gift.
in this atmosphere was joyful that we are going to reach the other people at the banquet held in honor of the feast of the lake of us young women.
We ate, danced and sang until late at night, creating one of the most beautiful moments of our folk traditions.
The only way to truly pay homage to our patron goddess, the lady of the lake, was to enjoy life with our loved ones.
I waited anxiously for the party hoping to find Roland and invite me to dance. Before that I had never had the courage, but now that I was finally an adult I hope to look at me with different eyes.
arrived at the banquet that the sun still shone on us, and we got in line to get to our table.
Once, my brother, I move my chair gallantly yield me to the place of honor next to our father, "Do not get used to my dear sister," she said as she went to occupy its usual place was my "this is a special evening and therefore I will be lenient, but remember that always take orders from me, "rolling his eyes in mock frustration, threw him a mischievous smile," Well I hope not to sit still all night. " I laughed at seeing his shocked expression, God was so adorable that I thanked my brother telling me the sky is given, however, not to do certain events at twenty-pats because I do not think he loved to hear Glauco me che lo definivo "adorabile" anche perché tra qualche tempo si sarebbe probabilmente sposato, sempre che Velesia accettasse la sua proposta ovviamente.
Guardai intorno a me per vedere se scorgevo l'immagine di Rolande in giro, di certo i suoi capelli neri si sarebbero notati a distanza, essendo inoltre, discretamente alto.
Non feci in tempo a terminare la mai occhiata perlustrativa che avvertii una piccola vibrazione sotto i piedi. Tesi i sensi al massimo, ma era come se non fosse successo nulla. Ero proprio una sciocca, nemmeno avevano cominciato a servire le bevande e io gia avevo i sensi alterati.
Mi girai verso mio padre, sorridendogli in quel modo che sapevo incantarlo " Padre sarei liete se mi riservaste la prima danza, quando i musicisti cominceranno a suonare" lui ridacchio compiaciuto "Beh se ti accontenti di danzare con un povero vecchio allora..."
Il silenzio calò improvvisamente sulla piazza. Questa volta non me l'ero immaginata la vibrazione, erano tamaburi, che in quel preciso momento cominciarono a tuonare minacciosi.
Erano tamburi di guerra, qualcuno si stava avvicinando, e anche in fretta.
Un giovane guardiano di vedetta quella sera al cancello corse come se avesse il demonio stesso alle calcagna.
Al suo passaggio la gente si spostava automaticamente per fargli spazio e fu così che attraversando un tunnel umano giunse to bring news to the leader of the council which had to be if not poor, certainly of great importance.
he listened attentively to what was being whispered, and nothing could be read from his expression remained impassive.
The head of the board up and stood so calm and powerful voice despite his age,
thundered "Stay calm!" paused to allow everyone to devote attention to him. One child began to cry while his mother took him in the chest nervously.
We all turned to the sage with eyes wide open, my father clasped her shoulders while my mother picked Iris brave good girl that does not uttered a single sound. Glauco instead turned to my father nervous but firm tone, "Father with your consent I .." "It certainly go to Veles.
Quickly I saw my brother get away from our table moved by a greater need than to protect his family was really in love with his beautiful.
The drum roll was beginning to get slightly closer and more constant, played by skilled and experienced hands, evidently accustomed to this type of assignments.
"Someone shut the gates of the city" the two young guards on duty rushed to close the gates, with the help of volunteers from nearby in order to make faster.
"Well gentlemen, I think everyone know the meaning of these drums, because these are the drums of war. "The crowd began to spread through a large shouting until someone yelled" They're coming to invade us! "," invade us? "they answered in chorus voices.
The panic sprang in a moment , I was pushed from behind by all the people behind me were trying to get out from the crowd to give free rein to their fear.
"Silence!" thundered the voice of the wise so powerful that dominate the chaos that had arisen.
"Hedemus, Themipatros, Lycs" called the book "We can deal with a siege?"
raise my voice in the silence of Themipatros "No, Wise. Are a thousand years since we received news of the surrounding peoples, we have no troops, only young guards who can not face combat. "atmosphere became even more tense and I felt my father gently shake his shoulder, trying to reassure me.
The position of our city was not selected so tactic, but the chance would have it was in a steep valley surrounded by the conjunction of two small mountain ranges and a vast and beautiful wooded area, which was a break between the lake and more.
perlo In this way we had been more isolated and there were then developed as a people lover of fine art rather than war, such as our beautiful squares decorated with beautiful statues could testify, and my father himself was a sculptor.
The last military academy was closed about 900 years since the first warriors to grow there was no need, thriving and expanding our way up to the creation of small communities outside the big city.
"What we propose then," said the sage. Her eyebrows furrowed with his left hand while holding the stick with his right hand and stroked the white beard nervously.
"Escape sir." The sound of bagpipes
powerful erse is strong from the forest, the march of men had become noticeable. Children
around me began to cry. The women clung to their men who were trying to prove brave.
"The only way out beyond the gate main on the north side is the underground under the city wall east "he Hedemus" but you can only go to three people at a time, we'll never pass all ".
Then it was chaos and vain attempts were made to the Board to bring a minimum of order.
We had never known the reality of the siege, only legends turned into stories could give us a vague idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we expected, but realistically speaking, we had no chance.
my father looked into his eyes, and there is no past and no fear or dread.
"Father is the end?" he grabbed my wrist and started dragging me forcefully and out of the crowd of thousands who had lost any semblance of civilization.
My mother was close with Iris "Do not worry we'll get my girls in one way or another" but from the tone of his voice I realized that she was afraid. However, my father had in a blind trust and would follow him anywhere.
We advanced slowly through the crowd, marching in the opposite direction of the crowd. Suddenly including one that was the intention of my father: let us leave the main gate.
so I tried to make me feel above the confusion, "Father, father," I yelled his name several times without stopping and turned to look at me "Father, we can not go out the front door are coming and how to give me reason to the sounds of drums and bagpipes became gradually more and more forti. " si che possiamo, stanno andando tutti nell'uscita est, non ce la faranno mai a passare di li, l'unica nostra possibilità è tentare l'uscita principale".
Continuammo cosi a spingere, mentre freneticamente chiamavamo Glauco.
Tutto ad un tratto mi sentì travolgere dal peso di un uomo che mi cadde malamente addosso.
"Padre" urlai con tutto il fiato che avevo in corpo, ma con mio orrore vidi che lui e mia madre erano stai spinti via dalla folla "Faolar" mia madre tra le lacrime chiamò il mio nome a gran voce, mentre mio padre cercava invano di tornare indietro a prendermi.
Li vidi spinti via, li vidi fino all'ultimo che lottavano per non abbandonarmi, e li vidi perdere quella battaglia.
Una I stepped on a woman ankle in an attempt to escape, and I screamed in pain.
I felt suddenly a hand grabbed my hair and helped me get up. "Glaucus" I threw my arms around my brother who took me in his arms "let's get out of here now Faolar" I hugged him closing his eyes.
I heard him panting and grunting while his shoulder was made powerful space between the river of people. After what seemed like an eternity finally reached the edge of the square.
Along the sacred lake and dodging the people who run the risk of overwhelm. "Glaucus, Veles, where?" I asked my brother who told me without looking at is the parents 'safe'. I did not more questions, I continued invece a guardare dritto a me cercando di ignorare la paura e le fitte che dalla caviglia si diffondevano attraverso tutta la gamba pulsando in maniera dolorosa, probabilmente dovevo essermela rotta.
Uno schianto eccheggio nel fragore che ci circondava e come un orda demoniaca, l'esercito invasore si riverso all'interno delle nostre mure, lasciando dietro di loro una scia di fiamme e morte che poteva essere respirata.
Da allora accadde tutto a rallentatore intorno a me, come se avessi eliminato ogni suono ed escluso le voci urlanti di tutte quelle persone che fino a poche ore prima si accingevano a festeggiare.
Grandi lance e torce infuocate si innalzavano dalla massa, mente spade si abbattevano su persone inermi, senza fare alcuna distinzione. Chi si was on its trajectory was skewered, drawn and quartered, were these men, women or children.
Shouts, screams everywhere, rivers of blood began to flow in the streets like rainwater.
Our beautiful city, our splendid civilization was about to be deleted. I felt
Glauco panting on the ground and posandomi hugged me tightly "I love you sister" broke away from staring at me in the eye by sliding a hand through my hair.
Behind him I saw get a warrior with a long beard and long hair, brandishing a spear. I saw him bring back the mighty arm and I had no time to even scream, I saw my brother's eyes open wide. A trickle of blood began to colargli to the chin.
With a final guttural sound - a sound that I will never forget - Glaucus fell on the ground and before the 'last spark of life it covers me to abandon using himself. You feel his life slipping away from her and that I could not watch her motionless body, there being crushed and torn to the ground desperate.
lost touch with reality immediately swallowed by pain as the blood of my brother ran to smear tunic.
to bring to consciousness was a hand, moving awkwardly from the body of my brother above me pulled me up by the hair. Looking
face the warrior felt a hatred for those barbarians gutted that I had been thrown into a nightmare. The
I spit in the face "Carrion, are nothing but a filthy beast"'s vomited on him with hatred.
A powerful backhand fly to hit on the face. Immediately I heard the metallic taste of blood in his mouth.
not felt pain, it was as if I suddenly insesibilizzata. I never bowed his head in front of a being like that, I would not face death by timid person, but a real woman.
Seconds passed and I was still alive, I was almost looking forward to even think, to want it made it end soon, but contrary to my expectations the Barbarian in front of me pulled out a rope made of crude materials, and I tie the wrists behind his back so close that they no longer feel the blood circulates through fingers, I was also tied a rope around his neck, and forced to walk through the devastation, I could not help but see the bodies of hundreds of people lay sprawled on the ground lifeless. Continuing to walk past people I knew and also just closed my eyes to try to leave out those images from my mind, I felt a huge hand that jostled me screaming to walk forward.
The ankle was swollen but I do not care about, and so between a push and the other reached the center of the square next to the pool of sacred water.
It was with horror that I saw it full of blood contaminated with the sacred lake of blood, I could not believe, thousands of years of obsequious attention and veneration were erased with a sponge.
rabiosa I turned to the first warrior who was to my right, but I did not even have time to turn the face immediately knocking him a fist hit me immediately.
came to, and I felt a vague sense of nausea when I stood up gingerly to sit. At dawn the sun began to rivelarsie majestic powerful erse is to illuminate the lights of the stars hidden by the carnage.
Other people were in my own terms, all staring into the void, exhausted by an event that he had not even allowed to fight.
In one night we were all stripped of dignity, suffering and even an identity in which a mirror.
I do not know how long it was before we have lined up and begin to march.
only volumes that I know that one of handful of people left there was none of my loved ones.
Why I saved? I can not say, I know people say I took the strength to go on, I just know that between pushed, several tears and pain, I could always put a piedra before the other.
walked for what seemed to me once out of kilometers from the city walls, and when the sun shone high in the sky to arrive at a large group of rough wooden carts, ready to Waits.
Completely exhausted, I was almost grateful for that rough hand tugged at me for what was left of my tunic and threw myself in the wrong way into the wagon. I remained motionless for nearly
tutto il tragitto, cercando di trovare la forza di turarmi le orecchie ed estromettere quella serie di gemiti flebili ma costanti.
Durante il lungo tragitto nel quale eravamo stati trascinati, fummo fatti vermare tre volte e in ognuna di queste occasioni degli avanzi di cibo furono gettati in malo modo in ogni carro.
In alcune persone l'istinto di sopravvivenza era cosi forte da spingerli a gettarsi su quelle poche cose come se fossero bestie affamate, ignorando il cattivo odore e il cattivo sapore. Altri invece rimasero immobili, cotinuando a fissare il vuoto, ignorando ogni cosa tentasse di trascinarli fuori dall' isolamento che gli impediva di provare una qualsiasi emozione.
Inizialmente divorai ciò che trovai, poi persi interesse per quel cibo. What there was was on the water, and it was this that I longed with all of myself.
I dropped on the floor of the wagon, with an eye to the sky, cracked lips and parched throat.
I wished I could fly away with the clouds, to leave my body, forget everything, every pain, every obsession, to run away again free from the chains that I inprigionavano.
was then that a small drop of water hits me the face. Theses my senses to the best of my ability, and when I heard another closed my eyes.
I let the light rain washed my body, opening her mouth and letting it fill to drink.
Water, our precious and blessed water was coming to give us hope, to make us understand that it was not yet over.
do not really believe that there was salvation for us, but for some instant was nice to be pervaded by a sense liberating.
I do not know how hard the trip, I only know that at every stop, the bodies of those who had made it were thrown to the ground by those soulless warriors, left without burying them blessing.
And just when I thought I had reached the bottom, we entered the city of our invaders.
We passed a large wooden bridge, and after a few minutes, you began to see the first houses.
The powerful voice of the conductor of my car grinning devilishly, "Welcome home, slaves"
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