We live in a globalized world where scarce human contact with our neighbors. A continuous rain news opens up glimpses of distant peoples dramatic emergencies that evaporate in a matter of coffee and a fall in the uniform background noise. The alarms are so many that comes a sense of helplessness and natural subsidence.
We believe that the fraternal approach to our society is far from the road to acquire a correct knowledge. We believe that any form of integration has to go through the experience of others and that without the courage to leave the protective shell of the daily news we are victims of brokers and manipulators of reality. Finally, we believe that a small gesture of solidarity is worth a thousand words, and that the silent are the peacemakers colonne portanti di questo pianeta.
I viaggi solidali dei nostri associati hanno un duplice obiettivo: da una parte favorire l’integrazione e attuare progetti interculturali entrando in relazione diretta con popoli lontani, dall’altra portare un concreto sostegno e aiuti materiali a chi verte in condizioni di disagio.
La presenza, tra i soci fondatori di Terre des Égales, di cittadini senegalesi residenti in Italia, scrittori e documentaristi italiani con esperienza of West Africa, alongside the close ties that bind us to humanitarian organizations working in Senegal, led us to concentrate our first efforts toward this country.
Part of the membership fee to the trip of solidarity, between 5 and 10 percent, in addition to donations of goods and miscellaneous items that will be agreed according to specific needs, will be delivered directly by the participants to the leaders of organizations to which we will join in partnership during a visit or stay within them. We will support in particular:
La collocazione geografica, la stabilità politica e la pacifica accoglienza del suo popolo, fanno del Senegal una naturale porta di accesso all’Africa sub-sahariana. Nella superficie relativamente piccola del suo territorio, circa due terzi di quella italiana, è condensato un ricco campionario di paesaggi. Dal deserto a cinquecento chilometri di costa atlantica, dalla savana a grandi laghi interni, dagli spettacolari delta di imponenti fiumi alla foresta delle regioni meridionali. E’ una terra ricca di popoli differenti, a colorful maze multiethnic, a concentration of traditions and ceremonies that lead back to an ancient way of interacting with nature and with fellow human beings. Religious tolerance is an example of the Senegalese virtuoso in the world. The Muslim majority lives in harmony with other minorities, primarily Christianity. Spirituality is perceived as living substance of the social fabric. Ancient mystical brotherhoods convey the teachings of Sufism. The capital, Dakar, one of the largest metropolis in Africa, is the scene of a work in progress where ancient and modern, old and new mix continued renewal.
Drawing on experts from the safe places and with the aim of achieving its mission of help and knowledge, Terre des Égales enter the heart of the urban and rural Senegal to discover the complex vitality of the social body, alongside the history, natural resources and the wonderful hospitality of its people.
Our experts Senegal
Malick Cissé .
born in Senegal in October 14, 1957 Sebikotane, a village about 50 km from the capital Dakar, from parents of Wolof and Serer ethnic group.
complete his di studi in Senegal iscrivendosi alla scuola professionale marittima, da cui è licenziato come secondo ufficiale. Dopo sette anni di impiego presso la compagnia di navigazione e di pesca italo-senegalese Africamer , ottiene dal Ministero degli Esteri italiano (direzione della Cooperazione allo Sviluppo) una borsa di studio grazie alla quale frequenta l’Istituto Culturale Italiano per la Formazione Professionale e per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP). E’ il 1991 e Malick decide di rimanere a lavorare in Italia, stabilendosi nella provincia di Ascoli Piceno. Tra il 1991 e il 1997 lavora come operaio metalmeccanico. Lo raggiungono dal Senegal la moglie e i due figli. Nel 1998, crea una cooperativa autonoma active in the footwear industry that employs 15 people and that will dissolve in 2005. Leveraging his experience of fifteen first-generation immigrant in Italy, decided to devote himself to cross-cultural projects, to issues of social work and other assistance to immigrants. Join the Board of Directors of the Multipurpose Center for Immigration of the Province of Ascoli Piceno. Opera from 2006 to 2008 as a volunteer at the CGIL (the section of San Benedetto del Tronto) and is proposed by the union as a candidate for Provincial Council for Immigration. It 'a founding member of the Association of Solidarity and International Cooperation Terre des Egales .
Vincenzo Maria Oreggia .
born in Italy, May 9, 1966 in Milan by Italian parents.
After graduating in law from the University of Milan, began working in the early 90s, with periods of literature and society, including Read and Shadow Line . Between 1993 and 1995 travels in Northern Europe and stay for about a year in London. Published a collection of short stories coming to the conclusion (Tranchida, 1995). Leads writing workshops and strengthening the theatrical acquaintances working at magazines and Hystrio curtain. He runs between 2000 and 2001, the National Bulletin invisible theater. Public Stock Items (Rosellina Archinto, 2002), a collection of interviews with leading authors critical of the theater world. Continuing collaborations with various periodicals, plus those with national newspapers including The Gazette , Il Manifesto , The Citizen, The Republic ( On Friday ) Unit . After traveling in Southeast Asia and a major encounter with Latin America, began in 2002 in attend Senegal, where he stayed long periods of deepening culture, history and customs. Travel in almost all regions in Senegal and other West African countries such as Mauritania, Mali and Guinea Conakry. Published several articles and reports about this part of the world and its society. The first three years of experience give substance to the African travel book Bach of elephants, stories and portraits of Senegalese (Arco Publishing, 2005). Participates in the collection of texts and images Looks Foreigners (& Entertainment Books, 2005) with the written What falls from the sky, a mosaic of short stories around the lives of seven immigrants in a valley in the Marche. Complete the screenplay for feature film Strange uomo d’affari , storia di un’avventurosa iniziazione africana. Nel 2008, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Bizzarri e l’ONG senegalese Image et Vie, cura il progetto Chantier Dakar , cinque documentari di autori senegalesi sulle trasformazioni della metropoli africana. Espone alla Biennale di Dakar del 2008 i lavori fotografici Shocking City . Realizza i cortometraggi Dal Basso (Kenzi Productions, 2009) sulla giornata di un invalido a Dakar, e Il miracolo del pane , attorno al forno d’argilla di una remoto villaggio della Casamance. Cura e traduce dal francese gli scritti del maestro sufi Serigne Babacar Mbow Il Servitore del Profeta . Pubblica il romanzo Pesce d’aprile a Conacry (Edizioni dell’Arco, 2010), memoria di un rocambolesco viaggio in Guinea che si alterna a uno scottante diario italiano. E’ tra i soci fondatori dell’Associazione di Solidarietà e Cooperazione internazionale Terre des Egales.
Il Senegal in cifre
Capitale : Dakar (2.500.000 abitanti)
Estensione : 196.764 Kmq
Abitanti : 10,600,000
Main ethnic groups: Wolof, Serer, Peuls, Malinke, Diola, Soninke.
Population density: 52 inhabitants / km
of state: Presidential Republic
President: Abdoulaye Wade
Religion: Muslim (95%), with Christian and animist minorities
Language: French official, the national Wolof.
National Day: April 4, commemorating the day of independence from France (1960)
essential information and practical advice for travel to Senegal
If you want to make recommended vaccinations for travel to Senegal, you should go to the 'office hygiene and prophylaxis of USL (surgery international travelers) present in your territory.
recommendations are usually vaccinated against yellow fever and malaria prophylaxis. Your doctor will show you what drugs to use.
Other recommended vaccinations are typhoid, hepatitis A and B.
E ' prudent to carry travel disinfectants, creams and spray against insect bites, mosquito repellent electric batteries, band-aids, sunscreen with high protection, antifebbrili, broad-spectrum antibiotics, antidiarrheal, milk enzymes, anti-inflammatories.
better to make a generic and dental visit before leaving.
Get a ' insurance for health care abroad.
In Senegal, it is good practice to avoid ice in drinks , raw vegetables when you can not verify that they have been thoroughly washed and consume only water or mineral advance sterilized.
Passport valid for at least six months and complete photocopy.
vaccination record and complete photocopy.
Baggage and clothing
recommend a luggage light, suitable for frequent travel. Keep medicines, valuables and a change in your hand luggage.
Simply essentials, a simple and comfortable clothing. We suggest in particular pants, not skirts above the knee, comfortable dresses, sleeved shirts long, t-shirts, a windbreaker and a light sweater for cool evening, a pair of tennis shoes, sandals and slippers, rubber beach, towel, hat and sunglasses, a lightweight sleeping bag of cloth, pouch door objects and documents, handbags shoulder tear. For walking in crowded places citizens better protect themselves.
Provide for a universal adapter for sockets.
The national dish is Thiebudien , rice and fish with vegetables. Among the other local dishes, very popular is the Yassa, rice with chicken, lime, onions and vegetables. Among the exotic fruit abundant mango, papaya, pineapple, coconut. Species on the coast, the food is very fresh fish and rice. They are very different and tasty drinks made with natural fruits, leaves and flowers as carcadè, ginger, ditakh the Carasol, tamarind. Ubiquitous green tea is prepared as in the Maghreb and called attaya .
Bring cash as needed. Entering Senegal, shall be declared to customs amounts exceeding € 1500; outgoing amounts in excess of 750 €.
Everything is covered by the fee for the trip Terre des Egales è specificato alla voce La quota comprende .
La moneta locale è il franco dell’Africa occidentale (CFA). Un euro equivale a circa 655 CFA.
Chi desidera può portare carte di credito (Visa, Cirrus, Mastercard) abilitate al prelievo all’estero, con relativa fotocopia fronte e retro.
Fuso orario
Un’ora in meno rispetto all’Italia in inverno e due ore in meno rispetto all’Italia in estate.
La temperatura ranging between 24 and 30 degrees from November to May, between 28 and 36 degrees (even more than in inland areas) with possible rainfall from June to September.
telephone lines
To call from Italy is the prefix 00221. To call Italy from Senegal in the code is the 0039.
With Tim and Vodafone cards you receive and call from the center.
be accessed easily Internet in urban areas.
Electricity is generally 220 volts.
Rappresentanze diplomatiche
L’ Ambasciata Italiana in Senegal ha sede in Rue Alpha Achamiyou Tall a Dakar (numero di telefono 00221 8228578 – 8220076, numero di fax 00221 8217580).
L’ Ambasciata Senegalese in Italia ha sede in via Lungotevere Sangallo, 3 – 00186 Roma (numero di telefono 06 6865212 – 6872353).
Programma di viaggio*
programma dal 21/04/2011 al 3/05/2011
first day
Departure from and arrival in Dakar.
second day
Making contact with the neighborhood to stay in Dakar and its major landmarks. Visit the IFAN Museum of African masks and traditional culture .
third day
Visit to 'Empire des Enfants ; illustration of the early reception and recovery project for street children. Delivery of the gift of the Earth Similar to the President of the Centre M.me Mbow door. Visit the center Dakar : markets, squares, mosques, cathedrals, historical sites and social development. Visit the art of Dakar village, where several important African artists have their studios open to the public and informal visits.
fourth day excursion to ' island of Gorée, the World Heritage. Stroll through its charming narrow streets to the top of the promontory of Cumba Castel. Visit to the Maison de Esclaves , the symbol of the slave trade. Lunch on the island and return to Dakar.
fifth day
Visit the most important places of the city center : the Presidential Palace, the Cathedral, the Marchè Kermel. Stop at the French Cultural Centre.
sixth day
Transfer to the village of Ndem, headquarters of the NGO Association des de Ndem villagers, in the heart of the Sahel, about 120 km. from the capital. On the way: visit to the Pink Lake , separated by the Atlantic Ocean by large sand dunes, whose name derives from the particular coloring of its salty waters. Arrival and accommodation Ndem.
seventh day
Visit to handicraft production center of the NGO Ndem , the laboratories of spinning, dyeing and batik fabrics bogolan, workshops for tailoring, production of Bioterra or charcoal, production of items from recycled materials. Visit to organic farming of Ndem and illustration of the other projects of NGOs. Meeting with Serigne Babacar Mbow , spiritual leader of the community Ndem.
eighth day
Departure for Saint Louis Sénégal , the ancient capital of the country lies the estuary of the Senegal River, and the Langue de Barbarie , including ocean and river arms.
ninth day
Visit the historical center of Saint Louis , its main attractions, the fishing district and stroll along the endless Atlantic beaches.
tenth day
Excursion Diuju National Park, an area of \u200b\u200bgreat interest, among the most interesting of the planet for the observation of an extraordinary variety of bird population. Along the branches of the river next to crocodiles, monitor lizards and warthogs, you sight pelicans, herons, fish eagles and many other species.
eleventh day
departure to Dakar. On the way: visit Thies, Senegal's second largest city, with its spacious boulevards and its manufacture of world-famous tapestries . Visit to the Benedictine monastery of Keur Moussa .
twelfth day visit to the small island of Ngor , which stands in front of the homonymous village, now part the urban area of \u200b\u200bDakar. Lunch on the island. Return to Dakar, pre-departure and transfer to the airport for the return to Italy.
* the program can vary dependent on the specific needs not foreseeable that do not alter its substance. The nights are scheduled at guesthouse, apartments available to the entire group, of refuges for partner associations in the area or hotel facilities with low environmental impact. As for meals , emphasis will be given to specialties and local cuisine, with respect, as far as possible to individual needs. Will be served in eateries consigliati dagli accompagnatori o preparati appositamente secondo costumi e tradizioni africane nei luoghi in cui soggiorneremo.