Friday, March 11, 2011

Where To Buy Carving Foam

terremoto in giappone

What can we do but pray? pray for friends in Japan, for their families and all their people.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Leptospirosis Vaccine Cavalier

l'8 marzo...

I went with my luca from the florist to pick up a jar with a plan for stefania , our friend manifattive .
tutlipani were delicate and beautiful mimosa and Luke showed me, that made us a gift.
fell in love with tulips and then he has "bought" one white and one red and one yellow for himself with a mimosa for me, but made them "immazzettare" together because they had to be together like us! (Tear)
not amazing?
poppies in the background are our attempt to illuminate the room with the desire to summer!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hot Gay Spots In Miami


Immediately recognize their language, is unmistakable as is the sound of the iron. They are beautiful, perfectly-matched pair, the features carved into the wood, earrings and clothes that already here in thirty years would be hard pressed to make, and they certainly have to be forty. The smile of the Finns is different from all others. It is a smile of recognition. There is no complacency, no arrogance, only the honesty to recognize that we are made in the same way, we share the same elements, which belong to the same family. They look nice does not provide anything in return, and nothing implies. When you move to make me get off the tram I thank them in their language. Kiitos, I say, and widen their eyes and make a slight bow.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Anthropometrics For Coffee Table

Cinkue: A site for ciappinari

Da poco ho scoperto tramite una rivista specifica per le informazioni di consumo inusuale, che è stato creato Cinkue  un sito dove ognuno può proporre pubblicamente dei servizi a propri scelta da 5 a 200 euro. Quali possono essere questi servizi?

Ci sono diverse categorie che vanno dall'arte e artigianato, alla scrittura, alla finanza, web design, e molti altro come "fuori di testa" chi si offre per telefonare al tuo capo e dire che sei ammalato for 5 €, or create greeting cards, virtual personal, astrology, organize a menu, shopping for my grandmother, pretending to be your girlfriend, write reviews for your books, etc., etc..

So what you propose is, the price you will be interested and if someone buys your service via paypal or credit card. The only flaw ... every € 5 € 1 goes to the site which is 20% a bit 'pricey as entertainment I guess.

But is it worth to have a look

this site
this blog

Saturday, March 5, 2011

First Period After Giving Birth Heavy Bleeding

seconda elementare

carnival time.
days working on forms, types of masks, masks on the traditional, new costumes.
drawn up plans and confetti and colored streamers.
watching movies, Toto flavor, puffins, harlequin and pants.
ciccio and behold, after two weeks of class absences mental and personal ruminations:
- Mae, but how do they eat and the other always with harlequin mask? -

Bmw How To Attach Front License Plate


Every time I rewind the black wire around the handle of white Fohn He remembered the years in Gush Katif, where every day between patrols and raids, snuggled up to seven times the shel yad right arm during morning prayer. Between the fact that he was left handed and to wrap the tefillah from the biceps to the forearm while not Hasidim, perhaps because they had received a few dislikes.
Today, when asked again what he had in common with his fellow soldiers, he replied with the words of another jew restless: "I have nothing in common even with myself."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Face Gets Red After Eating Lunch

The Chronicles of Crises and the Void


The Cloister Andrea delle Frate was ready for the match. Long wooden tables beautifully laid with every gift of God warm bread prepared in all the various recipes of beautiful country. The scent mingled with that of green olives, black olives, raisins, cheese and fresh, all dominated by the strong scent of wild game and meats. At the corners of the cloister court chefs were preparing the coals for grilling pork shanks, chicken breasts and vegetables. Crates of red wine and beer had been strategically placed every eight seats.

"We, is the decisive moment, we can not fail. "

Pirs, First Knight of Fratte, talking to himself looking at the great gate 's entry, which soon would be opened to let the guests. The lord of all the most major allied families had accepted the invitation. His men first: Dar Littlefrank, Maximilian Huntingari, Rosy Bindi. For the current internal conflict Walter Fleece, Knight of the former prime Fratte. Belpaese For values \u200b\u200bof the warrior Antoine Madeofstone. And then, the new energy. So vital and dangerous Nick Sellola of elevated for Freedom . Pirs was with him that would be convincing if he wanted was to leave behind reputation as the eternal loser. In addition to their expected for lunch a large following of ladies, knights and squires. Eighty guests in total.

A skinny guy, from the fiery red hair, walked gingerly to Pirs.

"Sorry to bother you, ser. What do I do, Sir?" I open, Sir? "

Pirs stroked his linen shirt staring at the door. Then he made a grimace of approval to the good-natured boy.


When the boy began to open quickly enter items that until then had been isolated from 'huge oak door, seven-meter high, three wide and seventy centimeters thick. At the center, at one time, was carved an oak, an old family crest. Thereafter, the coat of arms was carved a second time to turn the oak in olive, but the old symbol is only black lines in the wood. The past was erased with a few strokes of the chisel.

"Pirs, you finally decided to organize. We need this. It is no coincidence that now we can sink the knife in the folds, and look gift horse in the mouth."

Madeofstone had entered first. The muscular arms the warrior who had been told. The rest, over the years, had lost tone and vigor. Pirs winked and then shook hands without saying anything, to review other invitati. Passarono tutti, accolti con una stretta di mano o una pacca sulle spalle, ma senza dire niente. Tutti eccetto uno, l'uomo che chiudeva la fila. Nick Sellola.

"Sono contento di essere qui."
"E io contento di averti nelle nostre fila."

Pirs mentì. Nick rispose con la verità.

"Ancora non ci sono."

Le Cronache della Crisi e del Vuoto  nascono dall'insana commistione di due mie fisse del momento -  Le Cronache del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco  di George R.R. Martin e l'Italia. Sono previsti un numero imprecisato di Capitoli che non avranno una cadenza periodica.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Retirement Clip Art Maxine

rossella o'hara

adore Scarlett.
before seeing the film I had read the book and I loved it. I was very young.
the figure of Margaret Mitchell I really liked. a free woman who lived and wrote of his work and his talent.
in 1937, thanks to its novel won the Pulitzer Prize.
then I dreamed of becoming a writer.
then I saw the movie: I loved him very much. these days I needed to rediscover a bit 'of energy and so here is Scarlett, my ross course, made in matilda . click click

Friday, February 25, 2011

Get Pregnant Online Games

rights and other discourses brothels around the demennza.

Days a little 'time to stretch.
that most will go forward in time the more it seems that the tide can be seen from the front of a spinning top, and a year is a year?
Someone wrote a series of 365 disappointments.
The real disappointment is the right way of understanding life in our society, where perhaps there was time to understand this disappointment, and call it only as a disappointment, or bitterness.
a war going on, and talk show goes on, 10,000 deaths and watching the island's famous, some people write, but life goes on, of course, until it stops, and otherwise has already been arrested by the heart and brain if there is no way to be aware of so much tragedy, where many souls where they are, have never been people souls? Probably those who do not turn off the TV this problem does not arise.
For the twin towers but it was discussed immediately and continuously even after 10 years the dead had a different value? obviously yes.
It 's hard to admit it, but this is an abstract.

Then I hear an interview with Fabri Fibra, that actually annoys me a little 'name, which is proposed as a cool that the lyrics of his songs shows values, so that he talks about real things, real things, not the generic love songs. He 's an alternative that explains to the controcoglioni Giovini, as are the altars of political spectacle, rapped in that rhythm, but where it fails even as a joke in any song does not mention his name. Where he says "applasusi Fibre" forward, and of course there are those who applaud and say yes you are a cool, oh God you saved us from the shit of the idiotic songs of Friends, or Sanremesi, sickly sweet or not highlighted by any part because it is generic, really what they say?

one thing absolutely right, we must really be oblivion, into the abyss than ever to applaud someone who is self-appointing the time, and it claims to be the best because the charts, bread bread and wine in the wine speak for themselves, because he has built, he has actual messages are real, and therefore has a podium for years. Manza
models strong, if the strong model synonymous with divine piece of shit arrogance, pride, envy, I first of all the rest, well we are being very badly.

condemn friends like these characters, there is only the semblance of a message because it is a name that p, has nominated a site, there was talk of the news, but above all do not you forget their name, which is always and everywhere what they do, with at least a modicum of discretion.
Today everything is politics and everything entertainment, but above all, everything is brothel.

begin to have serious nostalgia for nostalgia

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Free Beautyful Agony Clips

un giorno,

Geppetto ... my sister started to build a new laboratory for my Matilda.
still knocking on this door and open up these lovely little flying .... find out what??
waooo is over!

here is a bit 'dark, yet, turn on the light
and slowly draw near ...
Well, I think everything is ready for a new adventure ...
decor a bit more 'essential if we are
but the garden is a delight to the fontanel
and the fence is really wonderful, and awaiting the planting of vines
and huge big windows ...
bistro curtains or full light, well, you will see
for now there are two experts working

and small welcome
a bit ' of visitors and curious friends
matilda gloating and disheveled
among many creatures in exploration ....
thanks, sis. you have some 'patience you now, pending complete fitting.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tight Legs Muscles From Marathon

The Chronicles of Crises and the Void.


"Out there the enemy is growing stronger." Re

Berloskown Sylvian, appeared at the window of High Bordello, was drying the wide forehead sweating. In seventeen years of rule had never been so close to defeat.
Behind him, sitting at the large wooden table with ivory inlays, Ser Leley Morah was playing quietly with some silver dragons.

"What's happening to you, love? Not like you to be afraid."

Leley rose from his chair very quickly. Although the tonnage had maintained the agility of the good old days. The dress of blue satin binding up her body, highlighting the bands fat that enveloped the bone structure. He approached the king without being heard. The plush and secure step, head high, almost feminine in the movements. Leley felt beautiful in every second of his life. Beautiful and compelling.

"I'm the one that suits you. Ser Emil Faith has found new delicious tidbits, which could make our case."

Leley began to massage the shoulders of Sylvian. The hands on the shoulders of the King decided scivolarano Sylvian briefly bowed his neck back, almost can not wait to touch that magic to ward off fatigue. But it was not yet time to rest. Not now. The friend and ally di oltremare, Re Gheddaf, stava maciullando la sua popolazione. Migliaia di uomini falciati per reprimere la rivoluzione. Lo stesso era successo poco tempo prima ad un altro alleato d'oltremare, Re Rubacuorack, aveva vissuto le stesse vicende per poi cadere poco dopo. Rubacuorack che in segno di fraterna amicizia aveva inviato un fantastico regalo di piacere: la sua giovane nipotina Buby.

"Stasera non se ne parla! Puoi fermare Emil. Niente Bunga."
"Sei sicuro? Abbiamo preparato tutto. Le ragazze non aspettano altro. Devi solo elargire qualche scudo di rame come sempre e ..."

Era quello che voleva, Leley lo sapeva bene. Non gli importava di nient'altro. Voleva riposarsi tra le giovani carni delle alte cortigiane. Sentirle laugh at his jokes, to see them enjoy the wine of the house and adore the splendor of his estate. So why that huge void he felt inside? What was happening to him? Never had such a thing happened in his life. He, the great house of Sylvian Berloskown, he was really making a timid? For months he could not sleep. He saw conspiracies everywhere.
He put his eyes on the big picture of the emblem of the House Berloskown: the white dove on a blue field with three heads.

"Did you hear what I said? Nothing Bunga. And now, please, leave me alone."

Leley called a pigeon with a message tied to the leg puffing. When the cancellation Emil flew Leley slipped in the pocket dragoons who had left on the table and sent a critical look at the King High Bordello.

"Are you softening? Is this?"

Leley took pleasure in defying the most powerful man in the kingdom. He who was born from nothing, came to light as a fly-by rotten meat.

"I said I want to be alone Leley, I would not have to raise your voice."
"As you wish, see you tomorrow. I hope to stay in shape."

Sylvian When he heard the door close behind him, a shudder of relief and loneliness pervaded his legs. He sat down and poured himself a glass of wine of dreams. He closed his eyes and remained so for a while '. He tried to empty his mind, to make it fly over everything and everyone. The flight ended up crashing into the huge breasts True, his wife. She had deserted him, and the lack of decline had started the fire. He stood holding on to that feeling. Collapsed mentally between those magnificent breasts, when he began to smash against his face outside the clouds covered the moon.

The Chronicles of Crises and the void created dall'insana fixed combination of two of my time - A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin and Italy. They provided an unknown number of chapters that will not have a regular basis.

Bad Cough 5 Month Old

Master. Happy New Year

With Paul and Silvia , are preparing for a sunrise on the life of Galileo Galilei. These are the first two pages. The book falls smack in the project by Alessio D'Uva, which for now we can not say more.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Piero Ciampi. when chaos stars are born.

This was a difficult winter.
and say that I love winter and I love it, so all in all better un'inverno difficult difficult summer, hoping that good all the best.
But like all the best things that happen when you least expect it, I called my first editor and he tells me that my book on Piero Ciampi ( Piero Ciampi life headlong ) is being reprinted in June:).

This has made me enormously happy, but not so much as an author may feel flattered that cha sold out the first run, but because it is a sign that Piero Ciampi is interesting and since I started that job in a now no longer recent 2003 where he was a damn great artist for only a few insiders, his voice, his heart and his spirit is being felt even the new generation, and even those no longer just now discovering new with great enthusiasm.

fact many were in those years tributes to Peter, and in a sense with contempt of the purists, even by people more susceptible to marketing such as Morgan, which is not particularly appreciate, but I believe in his sincerity to fund at least in the esteem Ciampi, and if this is still served to spread a word of note (one might say) well-being.
Then you know, the purists of the time we are a bit 'all, so what we love to boldly jealousy is a natural fact, contradictory feelings of those who want to share with and trust, and discomfort when this whole thing may be loved by who do not think height for several reasons.
I would have to spend so many words, and I think it still Piero I will integrate the old preface, I can say that this was the book that I wanted Piero Ciampi best because I saved his life several times, and then dedicate a book is nothing more than a caress as a gesture of love I felt real, not getting to know what size, but quite conscious by whom.
And so if I have received it this good, I can bring home much more to so many others, and well-being of Piero Ciampi that we speak more and more.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hebrew National Salami Cheap

una domenica in casa

past ailments, his recovery is a bit 'boring.
ask the help of a specialty that would eat a spoon, although you do not love the jams, especially industrial ones.
but this whole cherry jam and "no sugar" yes, I love it. and together with a sweet little 'good music
meanwhile matilda is being done with scissors and stoffine ...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Overcoming A Usb Hasp Dongle

Dolly Lamour: The Angel of the Italian Burlesuqe

Dolly Lamour is the angel of the Italian Burlesuqe only nice would be simplistic to say ... this is the perfect example where charm talent and passion are mixed in a single representation, this whirlwind of passion that turns her performances in art ...

How did you start the model? What did you like the aesthetic representation?

was in 2007. I've always been a lover of photography and I was very curious to see me through the eyes of a photographer. I tried for fun, it was nice to play with makeup, hairstyle, outfits and have some nice photos to keep me keen on it ... then more and more and decided it could be a good way to communicate with others, to represent my fantasies for a moment and give to those who stopped to look.

then did you come to the art of Burlesque, which here in Italy is not very common ...

say that today it is perhaps not known by everybody but it is quite common.
The stage was in my fantasies as a child, I always wanted to be 19 years and began to perform in various places in Milan as a performer. Parodies of movies or video clips ... the characters were often disturbing: from Hitchcock's Psycho in Salome with Laura Palmer.
I heard about the burlesque, which I had a definition and a historical setting, but I had never seen live. I attended an event
Voodoo De Luxe and I was immediately fascinated by the atmosphere, elegance and performance by the spectacular costumes. I tried, I began, I made my first acts, then put them aside, then they ristudiai them capsized ... from that first experience there was an ongoing study, a maniacal search of what was the Vaudeville, Cabaret and the variety as well as the burlesque. A large and continuous commitment, a substantial investment in terms of costumes, sets and props, the great sacrifices. But I'm happy, it's my passion, my life. Being able to let the public know what makes my mind, what fascinates me, that somehow part of me is really a privilege ... and when the audience appreciates it becomes a great satisfaction.

Che differenza c'è nel tuo vivere l'esibizione dello spettacolo e quella fotografica?

La differenza sostanziale sta nell'emozione. Quando posi e hai alle spalle un minimo di esperienza, ti senti piuttosto tranquilla, sai che hai del tempo a disposizione e che se non parti al massimo, puoi sempre finire alla grande...e provi una grande emozione a lavoro ultimato, quando vedi i risultati e trovi, tra le tante, una foto molto ben riuscita.
Nello spettacolo è tutto un turbinio di emozioni che partono dalle prove, continuano con i preparativi nel backstage, prima di salire in scena, durante e dopo lo show. Sai di avere un tempo limitato per dare il massimo, sei preoccupato che la coreografia e tutti gli oggetti di scena funzionino al meglio, non vuoi trascurare il contatto col tuo pubblico, ma soprattutto non vuoi deluderlo in alcun modo. Poi c'è la soddisfazione o l'insoddisfazione tornando nel backstage...insomma tante sensazioni e umori mescolati insieme che vanno tenuti sotto controllo e gestiti nel migliore dei modi.


Donne e icone che ti hanno ispirato nella tua rappresentazione...

Non solo donne, showgirls, artiste del passato, ma anche costumisti, pittori, scultori, architetti, soprattutto coloro che hanno dato vita a un movimento artistico, come ad esempio l'Art Nouveau e l'Art Decò, che hanno sempre esercitato a great fascination for me and I'm discovering and studying in depth in this period. Source of inspiration can also be a play or a literary classic. The beauty of the show is that there are no limits to fantasy and the burlesque as a form of entertainment, can be represented in many ways ... we need a little 'the myth that sees him tied exclusively to the world of pin-ups of the year 50. If we dig doing a few steps back in history, we find that there were a lot more choreographed performances, with great costumes, amazing scenery and fascinating issues ... it was really the true age of Show Grand Mistinguette and Josephine Baker. Gradually over time this spectacular was lost in the 50s and 60s coming with more and more skimpy costumes and staged what was often a simple striptease. Why are so attracted and stimulated by the historical period of the first 900.


What were the most significant work experience in your career?

Surely those who have taught me anything, the shows where something went wrong ... for example, are experiences that do always treasure. But even those
rewarding when I began to see the fruits of many efforts, such as my performance to the after concert of Vasco Rossi in Cagliari, experience in which I view full player and I had at my side a respectable team that dealt with just me, or the show at the famous festival Summer Jamboree in Senigallia, at that time I performed on the same stage that saw Dita Von Teese, with the same backstage and staff in tow. It was also a special occasion because I had on my side of the special friends and artists such as Janet whistle.


Some people think that being a model or performer is not an art or a job, what do you think?

do not agree particularly with regard to the speech "performer" ... we are talking about represent a scene, a parody and communicate with the public so if we combine this with good taste and a pinch of originality, from all points of view you are creating art.
The speech model is simple: if we talk about other than fashion models that they simply get on the set, get dressed, make up and put in place as requested by the photographer ... well actually it is almost like making beautiful statues.
In our field is not the case. We are required to work as a model for what we own on stage, often I was asked to pose with my costumes, sometimes just looking for a face not far from the common features of the classic models. Whether this or simply to enrich and renew my portfolio, I have to handle all of the photo shoot ... I choose the photographer, the subject, I wear my costume or my trust in the stylist who have the right outfit. Hair and makeup are often cared for by me, I am a makeup artist and do not like very much to be made up by others, because, unfortunately, I often do not recognize and do not feel at ease. I would say that if you get to choose the mood of the photos, the outfits, makeup, hairstyle, the location and the poses ... praticamentente're doing the artistic director of yourself, then you are still creating, communicating and making art .

What is beauty for you, and what it represents, and to what represented the idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty?

Physical beauty is an added value. I think you can communicate beauty although not canonically beautiful ... especially on stage. I've seen artists who had not beautiful harmony, grace and charm than any physical beauty. For me, beauty is this ... is not decisive in the features to be perfect or in physical form, but shines in having good taste, elegance of the movements, charm and expressiveness that are also innate characteristics.


Dell'arte what's next?

Everything is a source of inspiration for me. The painting, architecture and sculpture, singing, theater, even the ballet music of all genres from classical to folk (I love Russian and Eastern European folk music for example), the garage rock death , swing, jazz, foxtrot ... I would not preclude anything. Dance is a fascinating world to me, I have not had the opportunity to study it as a child and now I wish I could learn all the disciplines: the basics of ballet, belly dancing, flamenco, exotic dances such as those of Indian and Thai culture. .. they are all interesting to me, are pieces of history and tell a lot of the traditions of a people, also having a base of very strict rules, are an excellent discipline for the body and also for mind. I also attended the Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi in Milan studying classical guitar, cello, piano and choral singing, and just 11 years old I first trod the stage, performing with the Choir of the Conservatory in 'Hallelujah Handel soprano ... and I must say that playing and I really miss singing so I think it probably will take up his studies.


If I could bring back a star from another era, who would you choose?

Mata Hari, a woman who went against the trend, had a turbulent life, full of surprises. Part of his life in Indonesia and the rest in Paris where, with his "scandalous" oriental dance knew the popularity e il successo. Poi la guerra, lo spionaggio e per finire la condanna a morte. Una donna così ne avrebbe parecchie di storie da raccontarmi e probabilmente saprebbe infondermi un pochino della sua temerarietà.


Qualcosa che ti spaventa...

Il solo pensiero di perdere le persone care, e poi mi spaventano le malattie e l'idea della morte in se'.


Tre cose che vorresti fare esistere...

Delle utopie praticamente: dei politici italiani degni di stare al governo, una reale rinascita per il nostro paese, la meritocrazia,


Three things you hate in people

Opportunism, superficiality, envy. Three beasts that destroy relationships and cause great injury. The opportunistic use you and keep you good for its own purposes, maybe even makes you believe to be your friend .... then fades away when no longer needed. You make yourself a thousand questions and you can not understand the game, the deception, it is much easier to ask what you want without taking the piss the other? The surface
... really hated.
preaches evil good and scratching as they say. He leaps of fake about friendship and affection so immature, in fact at the first opportunity disappears without a trace, maybe when you need them, then scopri che stava beatamente a Miami a prendere il sole.
L'invidioso è un essere strano, non sai mai se detestarlo o provare pena per lui. Nasce come insicuro ovviamente, quindi a volte ti viene quasi voglia di provare a comprenderlo, ma è un rischio troppo grande. Sono capaci, nonostante la loro insicurezza di fondo, di fare qualsiasi cosa pur di risaltare al vostro cospetto, con risultati spesso decadenti, fuori luogo e intrisi di volgarità e maleducazione.
Ma con l'esperienza l'occhio si affina e queste persone ora fanno davvero molta fatica ad avvicinarsi a me in qualche modo.


Un desiderio

Più che un desiderio è una decisione che ho preso: volermi bene sempre, ed essere felice e appagata.


Progetti futuri...

Portare alla luce tanti nuovi acts che stanno prendendo forma nella mia mente, continuare a imparare e a studiare danza e canto, perseverare nel mio miglioramento fisico e spirituale, prendere seriamente in considerazione il teatro non appena avrò il giusto tempo da dedicare agli studi.


Una frase che vorresti dire a tutti...

Noi tutti abbiamo le stesse possibilità di riuscita, la fortuna, la sfortuna e il caso non esistono. Invece il credere in se stessi, la costanza e l'essere positivi lead us straight to the results.
