Friday, February 25, 2011

Get Pregnant Online Games

rights and other discourses brothels around the demennza.

Days a little 'time to stretch.
that most will go forward in time the more it seems that the tide can be seen from the front of a spinning top, and a year is a year?
Someone wrote a series of 365 disappointments.
The real disappointment is the right way of understanding life in our society, where perhaps there was time to understand this disappointment, and call it only as a disappointment, or bitterness.
a war going on, and talk show goes on, 10,000 deaths and watching the island's famous, some people write, but life goes on, of course, until it stops, and otherwise has already been arrested by the heart and brain if there is no way to be aware of so much tragedy, where many souls where they are, have never been people souls? Probably those who do not turn off the TV this problem does not arise.
For the twin towers but it was discussed immediately and continuously even after 10 years the dead had a different value? obviously yes.
It 's hard to admit it, but this is an abstract.

Then I hear an interview with Fabri Fibra, that actually annoys me a little 'name, which is proposed as a cool that the lyrics of his songs shows values, so that he talks about real things, real things, not the generic love songs. He 's an alternative that explains to the controcoglioni Giovini, as are the altars of political spectacle, rapped in that rhythm, but where it fails even as a joke in any song does not mention his name. Where he says "applasusi Fibre" forward, and of course there are those who applaud and say yes you are a cool, oh God you saved us from the shit of the idiotic songs of Friends, or Sanremesi, sickly sweet or not highlighted by any part because it is generic, really what they say?

one thing absolutely right, we must really be oblivion, into the abyss than ever to applaud someone who is self-appointing the time, and it claims to be the best because the charts, bread bread and wine in the wine speak for themselves, because he has built, he has actual messages are real, and therefore has a podium for years. Manza
models strong, if the strong model synonymous with divine piece of shit arrogance, pride, envy, I first of all the rest, well we are being very badly.

condemn friends like these characters, there is only the semblance of a message because it is a name that p, has nominated a site, there was talk of the news, but above all do not you forget their name, which is always and everywhere what they do, with at least a modicum of discretion.
Today everything is politics and everything entertainment, but above all, everything is brothel.

begin to have serious nostalgia for nostalgia


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