Friday, December 31, 2010

Cough And 5 Month Old

benvenuto 2011

on New Year ahead, you're
party everyone,
you joy and health leads to the dear parents,
relatives and friends make everyone happy hearts,
to be good I promise
blessed new year.
(photo taken from the web)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Milk And Gallbladder Polyps

ciao 2010

year old is gone,
and never return,
I gave him a suitcase full of whims and impertinence,
lessons without evil, lying and disobedience,
and I told him: "Take away! this is all my stuff."
it has not been a good year, but was "dense" and full of things, facts, events, creations and sorrows. but also of beautiful things.
my niece was born NICOLE , of \u200b\u200bcourse, also have an enclosed car, but I'm here.
my father died, died for me even my doctor friend, all in one week, but I'm still here. I want to color, di vita, di amore, di fare, creare e cantare. sono egoista? no, non credo, morirò anch'io un giorno e non vorrei lasciare tristezza dietro di me.
le giornate si allungano la primula resiste malgrado tutto, i miei cari che non ci sono più sono in un luogo migliore, senza sofferenza e, sì, qui sono egoista, mi si spezza il cuore per la mancanza che sento di loro, ma comunque io sono qui.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

S Pernicious Anaemia Hereditary


This damn psoriasis is the most terrible thing that ever happened to me: it's like being allergic to yourself.
The worst thing is that scratching is the most instinctive is to pass the itching, is the safest because the itch to hit back. But the icing on the cake is that the alternative drug, a cortisone-based therapy drugs, addictive, and so even the most rational means in the long run the same tragic results of that irrational.
Here: our history is such as psoriasis, my love, the more we try to solve things and more things fall inexorably.

Do Purple Nurples Give You Cancer>

dolci dolcetti e... ostie

tra tutti i dolcetti e dolcioni del Natale, quiesti sono i miei preferiti.
sono le ostie ripiene.
una sorta di antico torrone se vogliamo.
l'esterno è ottenuto con una pastella semplice di acqua farina, un goccio d'olio e un pizzico di sale, cotte con le piastre.
il ripieno, bontà... miele, noci, mandorle e cioccolato fondente. peccato le foto non rendano giustizia, ma sono sparite velocemente e non ho potuto rifarle.
queste le ha preparate la mia mamma con la mia super sorella geppetta.

chi volesse cimentarsi nella preparazione può chiedere la ricetta direttamente a geppetta, e ordinare il ferro per ostie qui a CBEELETTRODOMESTICI.
e dulcis in fundo, anche con non-dolci questo è il cesto che ha preparato mia cognata, la mami della mia adorata veronica, con le sue manine d'oro.
liquors, jams and pickles and a spicy pountina with chilli oil.
I tell you to open a blog, it would compete with my beloved BU.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hair With Purple Highlights

buona festa della famiglia

not remember where I downloaded this picture, if anyone recognizes it let me know in order to place the link author / writer.
I apologize, but I like it too and I like to use it to remind today's feast.

Friday, December 24, 2010

London Fruit And Herb Tea Company

Merry Christmas ...

"He's a good man. I think every Christmas goes down at the shelter, save a cat and a mouse and gives them to a hungry family."

( Bart Simpson )

"I could never understand why people were so excited about A Christmas Carol by Dickens, I never thought that Scrooge had become really different on the day after"

( Karl Menninger )

Bromothymol Blue And Fish

Buon Natale

yes, I know a picture is abnormal to wish Merry Christmas
this year but this is my wish for all.



Monday, December 20, 2010

Itchy Rash Behind Both Ears

seconda elementare

one morning in December after nearly a week of "holiday for snow."
piper of rhyme.
after 2 lines ciccio I realize that does not write.

ciccio you miss? (Usually red pen and blue pencil, courage, desire, interest)
why do not you write?
I so cold that I have ghiacciosi under fingernails and can not.

azz, or raise or by clicking the radiators will have found another wonderful excuse.
ghiacciosa much, I must say.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Electric Box Game Level 19

per IDA

Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Many Calories Is A Bag Of Homestyle Popcorn?

questa piccola primula gialla

tells me more than I can say.
days were awful, my husband's father died unexpectedly.
and unfortunately I know there will still be sad and painful day for our family. the regrets and difficulties are many.
yet today, watching this little flower in the snow, I felt relieved.
if they make their little petals to address the snow and ice, maybe we can make it, too.
I wanted to bring it home and remove the blanket of snow, but I do not know if I will.
all other plants sono state piegate e ricoperte lei no, ha il suo fiorellino che svetta e due foglie che l'accompagnano. mi piacerebbe essere così. forte come questa piccola primula.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Counterfeit Titleist Ap2 Clubs

Piero Ciampi in a double-cd Live: Interview with Enrico De Angelis

"I was in Milan last year. I said: Lord, I love you all and they gave me two hundred thousand lire. You are capable of this? Because I am an artist and you do not So you should shut up because you have to learn from me. Listen! When you gain two hundred thousand pounds a day to do sightseeing you can say something. Now be quiet, or I wait it out. There is no passport to culture! "

Piero Ciampi Live Castiglioncello

This double-CD collection of unreleased material finally Piero Ciampi, why now is the time to make it public?
E 'from 1980 which looks to publish these things, the year of the death of Peter, when I discovered the existence of the registration Ciucheba Castiglioncello, and I went up there to retrieve it, thanks to the courtesy of Mauro Donati Owner (still) in the room. I did then circulate between the recording ciampiani friends, and you know why, commendably, they have published the transcript to your book. Published in CD but it was not easy for the discography Ciampi was (and is) an artist not "commercial", much less in recent years when the recording industry has not lapsed and discs are sold more ... But the recent opportunity to offer an independent record also the evening that we held in Parma with the finest artists performing Ciampi was immediately seized by Marcello Corvino Promomusic of Bologna, an enlightened and warlike record which has accepted the idea of \u200b\u200bpublishing all sound files that I have proposed: the performance of Ciucheba, to Ciampi Tenco 76 (finora uscita solo in un cd a tiratura limitata, allegato a una rivista) e la serata di Parma. Marcello, all'ascolto di tutte queste cose, si è entusiasmato, tanto che faremo ancora dei lavori su Ciampi insieme.

-Piero è sempre stato tra gli addetti ai lavori molto amato/odiato, ora è come se stesse uscendo allo scoperto, raggiungendo davvero tante persone...

E' vero. Non è proprio misconosciuto, Piero Ciampi. Naturalmente è tutto relativo: in una società subculturale come quella di oggi non può (e aggiungo: non deve...) diventare popolare. Ma ormai sono tanti i giovani artisti che lo riscoprono e lo interpretano, on disc or in concert. To me that's enough.

- The second CD is just a tribute held in Parma in 2008 by various artists, where they sang songs to Piero, a lot of closeness and understanding, someone you've always felt close to him, and some interpretation that you have really impressed.

In Parma, we have "summoned" to be very attached to artists Ciampi (even existentially: or to think of Pino Pavone Nada, or both artistically: Marco Ongaro, La Crus, Luca Faggella) and artists 'virgin' who did not know and who discovered, fell in love and have sung very well. This was a bit ' The challenge: bring on the same plane and each other. While we assume that Nada interpreting Piero has been almost perfect this time, I was struck even the relatively "young" (Bersani, Webbe, Fabi, Pino Marino ...). The two peaks of the disc, though, for me are the "Courthouse" by Marco Ongaro and irresistible, the 'Adius "to Capossela.

-What 's your opinion on his speech and the most powerful message in his poetic delirium?

same time knowing how to move and entertain. The combination of violence and tenderness. Of tragedy and irony.

- Have you had an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the strong public Piero, if it is a particular?

Piero slams you in the face of raw meat, or you can take them or run away. The audience loves him is that he is not afraid to be told the truth. That feelings, especially.

-What 's that makes us love and appreciate, to feel close without feeling old-fashioned?
Ciampi is modern. That's why it was not successful in its time.

- recently came out several charges including recordings, films and various Piero on, any work we do in his memory that is fine because it expands the knowledge or you can still run the risk of giving the wrong picture, what do you think?

With Piero is always the risk of reducing it to the cliché of the "cursed", anecdotes of the "genius and recklessness." The same two live recordings that I have published in this album to encourage this view. But the truth is real, then from there you can not escape. If you do not exceed this in mind, each document is useful to introduce it.

- What is the most beautiful thing I remember the Piero? and against any regrets?

The three days he spent in "Tenco" in 1976 are a thing of dazzling. I was always with him, I could not take, as he was in love. I regret not having called him to do more shows after the "Tenco" in my city for example, where concerts of singers, but I was afraid thinking it ungovernable. I do not lose. And then not to have known immediately that he was ill. Maybe I would have gone looking for him.

- having met him if he saw the world today exclaim what do you think?

"Fuck", of course.


Piero Ciampi to live "Ciucheba"
01. spoken
02. "The sidewalk
03. spoken
04. Love is all here
05. spoken
06. I'll show you who I am
07. "The paralytic"
08. Adius
09. spoken
10. But funny that you're
11. spoken
12. The player
13. spoken
14. "Night"
15. epilogue (Mustafa)

CD2 - Omaggio a Piero Ciampi:
01. Morgan - Love is all here
02. Money
03. Pino Marino - Dirty summer
04. You no
05. Marco onager - In a courthouse
06. Pino Pavone - Suburb
07. Samuele Bersani - Someone will return
08. Niccolò Fabi - Until the last minute)
09. Luca Faggella - Livorno
10. The work
11. La Crus - Wine
12. Simon Webbe - Autumn in Milan
13. You and I, Maria
14. Nada - Confiteor
15. You were just you
16. Vinicio Capossela - Adius
17. Orchestra del Teatro Regio di Parma - instrumental suite of songs from fragments of Piero Ciampi
18. The wine
19. You no
20. I need to see
21. You and I

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tanning Business Names


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Length Of Recurve Stabilizer

il mio bianco Natale

comincia dalla porta d'ingresso feltro piume perline e bambagia macchiate solo da un po' di argento e da una piccolissima puntina di rosso
e poi tintinna.
ho bisogno di tintinnii in questi giorni.

The Inside Of My Knee Hurts When I Walk


Why me in my life I made mistakes.

by Intercity by Raphael Baldini

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Decorative Ideas For French Farmhouses

comunicazione di servizio per NINA

sul mio blog mAtilda ho postato il tutorial per the window you will .

Friday, December 3, 2010

Changing Hair Patterns

Berger: a beacon in the dark. Finally someone who says

few days ago I turned on the tv la7 and live on a broadcast that Berger is a speech I would say the monologue Madonna "Nothing personal," one of the most beautiful speeches I've heard out of the screen in the last 20 years, and probably if I had I also remember the first.

I first understood to be very ignorant about him and so I'm going to read well what he has written, and then an entity is truly enlightening and ah because these days there's another need that maybe this was the television, someone who speaks the poem, the interior, which really explodes the clichés, and that makes the commonplace applause - which give air to our inner space, you stop to turn this whole 'attention to' policy of self, as if our problems really come from the right or left. make room, to feel, really feel, not stifle and be suffocated by the exuberance of the straflusso news, distoglierci continuamente dal di dentro, e contemporaneamente fare in modo di sentirci al centro di ogni attenzione, sempre fintamente presi in causa, per cosa? lusingarci e far sì di crederci importanti, quando l'importanza esiste di per sé.

Ma queste sono alcune conclusioni mie, difficile riassumere tutto il flusso di pensiero che un discorso simile smuove.

Potrei dire che mi ha allucinato la reazione, all'interno del programma dove finita la lezione di vita, perché quella davvero lo è stata, si è concluso con il solito appluasino conserto, di chi non vuole perdere la propria di lezione imparata a casa a memoria per non sfigurare con il pubblico, ed ecco che puntualmente altri politici riprendono la parola, la solita conserta loro coerente parola senza spessore, senza climax, senza patos, come se nulla li potesse sfiorare.

Comunque ecco alcuni punti che ha sollevato, io spero che sia presto disponibile il file video o audio di tale discorso.

-La televisione va guardata, ma non accesa
-Sono le parole che usano noi, è la scrittura che è nata prima dello scrittore, io credo che la scrittura di Calvino sia la scrittura di Calvino, ma sia la “scrittura”, non sia l’autore Calvino
-Ho cercare di capire qual è il nocciolo della parola, ed è il pensiero. Noi parliamo sempre di parole [ …] ma qui il problema è quest’anima che è il pensare. Noi non pensiamo e non amiamo pensare e non amiamo parlare di pensiero. Lo consideriamo astratto, e lo è, ma ha una potenza… non un potere […]. Il potere controlla, annienta; la potenza apre, allarga, devasta.
amo la velocità, non la fretta

monosignificato (delle parole, n.d.c.) mi uccide…ù

-Possiamo parlare anche di arte qualche volta? Quando si parla di scrittura possiamo parlare di arte? Quando si parla di cose che vanno oltre e che non richiedono sempre questi codici che sono i codici della finanza, i codici dell’economia, della gestione… Esiste un altro deambulare del pensiero, che non ha le caratteristiche classiche di tutti gli argomenti. Questa è l’arte. The short-
is not harmless. The banal, is not that they hurt. It hurts! [...] Should bring some journalist wrote in the "seriously harm the health, create metastases cultural
; ... the difference between" firm "and mentally" sick "in mind, I am very concerned about the" still "mentally

and to you if you've seen what that has hit the most?