Thursday, January 6, 2011

World's Biggest Online Skate Park

Sunshine Award 2010 Award

Two days ago I received the prize sunshine award 2010 by Sonia Caporali ( LINK), a blogger who surprised me with this wonderful news. What can I say .. it's always nice to be appreciated especially by people who do it for the sheer pleasure of it and not to gain some advantage.

When you are winning you must:

-thank those who have honored us.
-Write a post for the award.
-increased to 12 blogs that we deserve.
-Enter the link of each of the blogs that we have chosen.
-Telling rewarded.

I chose to reward:

Outlander - The foreign

My library romantic

Juneross Blog

Moray Place

Is not It Romantic?

Books of Claire

Atelier Books


Outlandish Icons

The pleasure of reading

The flame of destiny

live, study and work in Scotland


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