Saturday, January 29, 2011

Overcoming A Usb Hasp Dongle

Dolly Lamour: The Angel of the Italian Burlesuqe

Dolly Lamour is the angel of the Italian Burlesuqe only nice would be simplistic to say ... this is the perfect example where charm talent and passion are mixed in a single representation, this whirlwind of passion that turns her performances in art ...

How did you start the model? What did you like the aesthetic representation?

was in 2007. I've always been a lover of photography and I was very curious to see me through the eyes of a photographer. I tried for fun, it was nice to play with makeup, hairstyle, outfits and have some nice photos to keep me keen on it ... then more and more and decided it could be a good way to communicate with others, to represent my fantasies for a moment and give to those who stopped to look.

then did you come to the art of Burlesque, which here in Italy is not very common ...

say that today it is perhaps not known by everybody but it is quite common.
The stage was in my fantasies as a child, I always wanted to be 19 years and began to perform in various places in Milan as a performer. Parodies of movies or video clips ... the characters were often disturbing: from Hitchcock's Psycho in Salome with Laura Palmer.
I heard about the burlesque, which I had a definition and a historical setting, but I had never seen live. I attended an event
Voodoo De Luxe and I was immediately fascinated by the atmosphere, elegance and performance by the spectacular costumes. I tried, I began, I made my first acts, then put them aside, then they ristudiai them capsized ... from that first experience there was an ongoing study, a maniacal search of what was the Vaudeville, Cabaret and the variety as well as the burlesque. A large and continuous commitment, a substantial investment in terms of costumes, sets and props, the great sacrifices. But I'm happy, it's my passion, my life. Being able to let the public know what makes my mind, what fascinates me, that somehow part of me is really a privilege ... and when the audience appreciates it becomes a great satisfaction.

Che differenza c'è nel tuo vivere l'esibizione dello spettacolo e quella fotografica?

La differenza sostanziale sta nell'emozione. Quando posi e hai alle spalle un minimo di esperienza, ti senti piuttosto tranquilla, sai che hai del tempo a disposizione e che se non parti al massimo, puoi sempre finire alla grande...e provi una grande emozione a lavoro ultimato, quando vedi i risultati e trovi, tra le tante, una foto molto ben riuscita.
Nello spettacolo è tutto un turbinio di emozioni che partono dalle prove, continuano con i preparativi nel backstage, prima di salire in scena, durante e dopo lo show. Sai di avere un tempo limitato per dare il massimo, sei preoccupato che la coreografia e tutti gli oggetti di scena funzionino al meglio, non vuoi trascurare il contatto col tuo pubblico, ma soprattutto non vuoi deluderlo in alcun modo. Poi c'è la soddisfazione o l'insoddisfazione tornando nel backstage...insomma tante sensazioni e umori mescolati insieme che vanno tenuti sotto controllo e gestiti nel migliore dei modi.


Donne e icone che ti hanno ispirato nella tua rappresentazione...

Non solo donne, showgirls, artiste del passato, ma anche costumisti, pittori, scultori, architetti, soprattutto coloro che hanno dato vita a un movimento artistico, come ad esempio l'Art Nouveau e l'Art Decò, che hanno sempre esercitato a great fascination for me and I'm discovering and studying in depth in this period. Source of inspiration can also be a play or a literary classic. The beauty of the show is that there are no limits to fantasy and the burlesque as a form of entertainment, can be represented in many ways ... we need a little 'the myth that sees him tied exclusively to the world of pin-ups of the year 50. If we dig doing a few steps back in history, we find that there were a lot more choreographed performances, with great costumes, amazing scenery and fascinating issues ... it was really the true age of Show Grand Mistinguette and Josephine Baker. Gradually over time this spectacular was lost in the 50s and 60s coming with more and more skimpy costumes and staged what was often a simple striptease. Why are so attracted and stimulated by the historical period of the first 900.


What were the most significant work experience in your career?

Surely those who have taught me anything, the shows where something went wrong ... for example, are experiences that do always treasure. But even those
rewarding when I began to see the fruits of many efforts, such as my performance to the after concert of Vasco Rossi in Cagliari, experience in which I view full player and I had at my side a respectable team that dealt with just me, or the show at the famous festival Summer Jamboree in Senigallia, at that time I performed on the same stage that saw Dita Von Teese, with the same backstage and staff in tow. It was also a special occasion because I had on my side of the special friends and artists such as Janet whistle.


Some people think that being a model or performer is not an art or a job, what do you think?

do not agree particularly with regard to the speech "performer" ... we are talking about represent a scene, a parody and communicate with the public so if we combine this with good taste and a pinch of originality, from all points of view you are creating art.
The speech model is simple: if we talk about other than fashion models that they simply get on the set, get dressed, make up and put in place as requested by the photographer ... well actually it is almost like making beautiful statues.
In our field is not the case. We are required to work as a model for what we own on stage, often I was asked to pose with my costumes, sometimes just looking for a face not far from the common features of the classic models. Whether this or simply to enrich and renew my portfolio, I have to handle all of the photo shoot ... I choose the photographer, the subject, I wear my costume or my trust in the stylist who have the right outfit. Hair and makeup are often cared for by me, I am a makeup artist and do not like very much to be made up by others, because, unfortunately, I often do not recognize and do not feel at ease. I would say that if you get to choose the mood of the photos, the outfits, makeup, hairstyle, the location and the poses ... praticamentente're doing the artistic director of yourself, then you are still creating, communicating and making art .

What is beauty for you, and what it represents, and to what represented the idea of \u200b\u200bbeauty?

Physical beauty is an added value. I think you can communicate beauty although not canonically beautiful ... especially on stage. I've seen artists who had not beautiful harmony, grace and charm than any physical beauty. For me, beauty is this ... is not decisive in the features to be perfect or in physical form, but shines in having good taste, elegance of the movements, charm and expressiveness that are also innate characteristics.


Dell'arte what's next?

Everything is a source of inspiration for me. The painting, architecture and sculpture, singing, theater, even the ballet music of all genres from classical to folk (I love Russian and Eastern European folk music for example), the garage rock death , swing, jazz, foxtrot ... I would not preclude anything. Dance is a fascinating world to me, I have not had the opportunity to study it as a child and now I wish I could learn all the disciplines: the basics of ballet, belly dancing, flamenco, exotic dances such as those of Indian and Thai culture. .. they are all interesting to me, are pieces of history and tell a lot of the traditions of a people, also having a base of very strict rules, are an excellent discipline for the body and also for mind. I also attended the Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi in Milan studying classical guitar, cello, piano and choral singing, and just 11 years old I first trod the stage, performing with the Choir of the Conservatory in 'Hallelujah Handel soprano ... and I must say that playing and I really miss singing so I think it probably will take up his studies.


If I could bring back a star from another era, who would you choose?

Mata Hari, a woman who went against the trend, had a turbulent life, full of surprises. Part of his life in Indonesia and the rest in Paris where, with his "scandalous" oriental dance knew the popularity e il successo. Poi la guerra, lo spionaggio e per finire la condanna a morte. Una donna così ne avrebbe parecchie di storie da raccontarmi e probabilmente saprebbe infondermi un pochino della sua temerarietà.


Qualcosa che ti spaventa...

Il solo pensiero di perdere le persone care, e poi mi spaventano le malattie e l'idea della morte in se'.


Tre cose che vorresti fare esistere...

Delle utopie praticamente: dei politici italiani degni di stare al governo, una reale rinascita per il nostro paese, la meritocrazia,


Three things you hate in people

Opportunism, superficiality, envy. Three beasts that destroy relationships and cause great injury. The opportunistic use you and keep you good for its own purposes, maybe even makes you believe to be your friend .... then fades away when no longer needed. You make yourself a thousand questions and you can not understand the game, the deception, it is much easier to ask what you want without taking the piss the other? The surface
... really hated.
preaches evil good and scratching as they say. He leaps of fake about friendship and affection so immature, in fact at the first opportunity disappears without a trace, maybe when you need them, then scopri che stava beatamente a Miami a prendere il sole.
L'invidioso è un essere strano, non sai mai se detestarlo o provare pena per lui. Nasce come insicuro ovviamente, quindi a volte ti viene quasi voglia di provare a comprenderlo, ma è un rischio troppo grande. Sono capaci, nonostante la loro insicurezza di fondo, di fare qualsiasi cosa pur di risaltare al vostro cospetto, con risultati spesso decadenti, fuori luogo e intrisi di volgarità e maleducazione.
Ma con l'esperienza l'occhio si affina e queste persone ora fanno davvero molta fatica ad avvicinarsi a me in qualche modo.


Un desiderio

Più che un desiderio è una decisione che ho preso: volermi bene sempre, ed essere felice e appagata.


Progetti futuri...

Portare alla luce tanti nuovi acts che stanno prendendo forma nella mia mente, continuare a imparare e a studiare danza e canto, perseverare nel mio miglioramento fisico e spirituale, prendere seriamente in considerazione il teatro non appena avrò il giusto tempo da dedicare agli studi.


Una frase che vorresti dire a tutti...

Noi tutti abbiamo le stesse possibilità di riuscita, la fortuna, la sfortuna e il caso non esistono. Invece il credere in se stessi, la costanza e l'essere positivi lead us straight to the results.



Saturday, January 22, 2011

Calories In Small Grilled Shrimp


is renewed This year the well-established tradition of the Calendar of autoimmune diseases. Again, the Miss and Mister of the most common diseases have posed under the clinical eye of the photographer but smart, and they showed their bodies with a spontaneity and courage that only suffering can teach. "When the cause is so noble shame is set aside," said Fabio L., Mister Myasthenia Gravis. "I felt the need to do," she sobbed instead our microphones Laura C., Miss MS, unable to hide his emotion. The author of the shots, the German Sjögren Werlhof (Syndrome of Goodpaste), said he was honored to have been chosen to represent twelve months. "It was a very intense," he said last night during the presentation of the calendar, the Bel Astoria. "But it's really wonderful to give their help to those who really need it doing something that, ultimately, we do not cost much." As always, proceeds from sales will go on AIM, International Association of Fashion, whose credits have not been slow to come to the organizers of the event. "Our most heartfelt thanks," the statement said, "goes to all those who have struggled this year to help us and we were close. It is also thanks to them for the fashion and manages to survive in an era and in a world where there is no more area for research, and ethics seems to have permanently abandoned. "

Friday, January 21, 2011

Nipple Sucking Sensation


You must think of me as a sailor. I've always just come, even if I never moved. I'm always for sharing, although I will not go never go away. I'm always on the go, although I'm still standing. I have no home except my ship, even if you know my address. I'm always alone, even if they are in a crowd. I have no allegiance except to my crew, even if you do not know anyone. And of course I got a woman in every port, even if my only port you.
I do not own anything or anyone I have, even if I buy items and promise eternal love.

Black Female Session Wrestlers

seconda elementare (favola 2a parte)

here we are.
the story now is the fox and the grapes .
small hydrangea is ready with his eyes.
ciccio it remains a scene of no less than ten or more pulp cartoon ideas.
There once was a fox, sly and conceited .. .... One day
driven by hunger, wandering here and there, he found a vine from the high towers. Here he said: "finally something delicious." He tried to jump then pushing on the legs with what forza aveva in corpo….ma nulla.
Calma, si disse: ”Io così furba non posso arrendermi ma, devo escogitare qualcosa per raggiungere quell’uva”. Dopo un breve riposo riprese a saltare ma dopo alcuni balzi, non potendo neppure toccarla, così disse mentre mestamente si allontanava: “ Pazienza, non è ancora matura, non mi va di spendere troppe energie per un frutto ancora acerbo”.

bene bene. dite bimbi, quale morale troviamo in questa favola?
- e certo! facile, dice hydrangea, non bisogna mangiare le cose trovate per strada senza sapere se sono buone!!! -

e io intanto preparo schemi didattici...

tiè, magari può servire a qualche maestra di passagggio...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Micro Camping Trailers

seconda elementare (favola 1a parte)

una mattina di gennaio con brume alla finestra e scarso entusiasmo lavorativo di maestra e bambini.
leggiamo una favola.

le formiche e la cicala
un gorno d'autunno, le formiche stavano facendo seccare il loro grano che s’era bagnato. Una cicala affamata venne a chiedere loro un po’ di cibo. E quelle le dissero: “Ma perché non hai fatto provvista anche tu, quest’estate?”. “Non avevo tempo”, she replied, "I had to sing melodious songs to cheer up my lawn." "And you dance, now that winter is, if you sang in the summer!", They said, laughing ants.
well, all attentive listeners, and anxious, because the book is "huge" or waiting for a sequel or other fables.
however, because the teachers have a major flaw, namely a kind of wide-angle lens mounted in the brain that allows enjoyment extemporaneous and, therefore, since the interest is already being prepared in this brain, exactly the 'educational use, the mappaepistemologicacon obiettivigeneraliformativiespecifici and control verifichespiegazionifavolecorrelateecccecccc. Obviously all mixed in with memories of past school in mind this type of printed illustrations in focus:
the big question here is, well
children, what makes you think of this story? you know inside there is a moral, a lesson, an explanation of things to do.
and here is collapsing years and centuries of strong convictions.
certainly expecting a comment here is that instead of the more ciccio Bravin, sweet and ready girl in class, I like to call it hydrangea because in his ability to invade the entire class is still a little girl, delicate and sweet as petal hydrangea precisely.
here that hydrangea ago
here that we must not be selfish and you have to help those in need!
here is unlike me, full of superstructures, my little hydrangea has developed in its seven Coccetti of this other girl image.
and his little tiny heart has not stood the mourning for the hungry poor cicaluccia!
plus entusiatico support of the whole class.
let's try another:
the frog and the scorpion
not knowing a scorpion asked a frog swimming: Please, dear frog, I'd take the other side of the brook? "
" I was mad, "replied the frog, I do not want to get me to bite you."
"But think, frog, if you help me cross the river taking me on my back, I never, ever bite you, if I did, drown, because I can not swim." The frog thought, and decided to help the scorpion.
So the scorpion hopped back in the breaststroke, and both jumped into the water. They were already half-way point, right in the middle of the river, when the frog felt a piercing pain on my back. "What?" he exclaimed, "I you bet! And now they both die, and I to the poison, and you because you will drown! ? But why did you do? "
" Yeah, because I have done? Why is my nature to sting, and I can not help it. "

haha \u200b\u200bnow we see how little you get that first hydrangea ... you raise your hand sly

- well, you need to help others, even if is dangerous .-

my imploring eyes goes to Ciccio, but he's lost in daydreams personal, at least judging by the absence of any participation.

hydrangea with its petalini convince the whole class.


children taaaantoooo today are good.

tomorrow small hydrangea , I prepared the fox and the grapes. (Will be Freudian?)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sample Destination Welcome Letter

voglia di...

something beautiful and tender. this work is almost completed, but I liked this photo older.
in which I see and I can not wait.
this work reminds me of the sea because it is tied to something that happened just in the summer.
today that it has almost been completed after a long winter break inside I like the idea that the sun and bring me joy.
will post only complete, but trust me, young lady says that modesty is fantastic. and if you say so ...

Can Streaming Cause Broken Capillaries

The drowning of Narcissus

I hope this year will be started in the best way for you all, and also for those who do not read here, but for the first time begin to have an adversarial relationship with the web, especially for things I really love, and then
why I'm updating this blog that is rarely over the course of the kitchen where I keep most .

Each passing year seems a bit more 'equal, then actually change something. Going forward I can only say I'm sorry that I can not really dedicate that I really want to listen more poetic, more natural order of things.
really be enough hay, grass, snow, rain, the smell of wet asphalt, a reminder that you can move something that over time has had an effect, not only ours but human.

The catch is that the web is an infernal machine that sends you suck and fuck the good intentions of mind. Work and also I can not just say that this and the urgency of this scam is the strongest for the soul, and also for its growth, there is always an emergency, a crisis and a desire to be reflected through the others who have bisogno della stessa cosa, fondamentalmente si pecca di narcisismo, in quella volontà di esistere, e cosa più che il web dà l'immediatezza di un giudizio molteplice?
Tutto questo lo trovo estraetemene malsano,  ma poi del resto chi non pecca? beh ecco chi non pecca in questo senso comincio ad apprezzarlo molto devo dire.
Camus stesso scriveva nello Straniero che persino in tribunale come imputato è interessante sentir parlare di sé. Quindi c'è sempre stata la volontà di giudizio, ma così estrema chi l'avrebbe mai pensato?
Ci vogliono fare annegare sul nostro riflesso, lobotomizzati dalla lusingata, risucchiati come vorrebbero far sembrare nell'ascolto ma nell'ego, and are well aware of how easy it is less and less with individual consciences and increasingly fragile increasingly need to be like each other but better than the other, for a mark I like more.

No, here's something that does not work. Not only here.
I was talking with a publisher who does not quote, but I have always esteemed, I did present his words today do not sell a book, the print goes directly to the shredder, and he says - then organize seminars and events become a vicious cultural because, not only because people are more willing to read books, but wants to be inside the event, once again wants to be - I was not saying, that wants to be involved, something that no longer exists today because people find it unnecessary to first, not very interesting, but above all with waiting times that do not lead to something visibly rewarding. Then again
bent and sucked on themselves, not in individuality but in the ego, an ego that knows how unhealthy vacuum, because the constant reference to oneself is nothing but look for a black hat in a dark room, and hat there.

Friday, January 14, 2011

How Long Does Fish Tank Silicone Take To Dry

primule e giacinti

remember the primrose of my Christmas card? well today I photographed nuvo, here it is. tough eh?

and here, beside her is an old risbucato hyacinth bulb, forgotten since last year and look look is making its way even with a main shoot and three side. here, I needed today, with my padlock with a high fever and payments to be made, a little 'healthy optimism of rebirth!

Cute Volleyball Thing

la vincitrice

of candy on my blog Matilda ROMY the cauldron of the blog, go find it, it's worth.
thank all participants and hope to see each other next to a candy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Schematic Drawing Of Microwave Oven


We tend to hurt us more sites in the body more exposed.
Logic dictates that the same points with which we shall continue to disagree with the rest of the world. And these, although medicated, well wrapped, will receive more pain due to every new shot.
I would plaster my heart.

Monday, January 10, 2011

More Fertile After Chemical Pregnancy

the network, these days, has resulted in a secret place. A basement of a virtual anonymous writer. The things you are writing is impressive, but you can not read them if not guided by fate-Google (for now).

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Milena Velha Pregnant

c'è un carinissimo concorso

on track. can be found HERE

Phrases To Put On Bracelets


You must all die, "he said to himself. It was not an observation, but a hope, the hope that it happens soon. All, he said, those who carry around the dog shit, those who continue to make children, foreigners do not learn the language, the merchants who sell expired food, those that have a TV, those who have a car, all, in fact. A bomb, then announced in a loud voice, a beautiful bomb pointed out filling his mouth with the word. It was then that he was first thinking of a final solution as drastic but certainly more practical. Moreover, given when a solipsist dies the rest will disappear with him.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Billy Goat Vacuums In Orlando

aggiornamento giveaway

to practical problems that I will not tell you, I can not draw the giveaway in time, so I decided to extend the deadline at midnight Monday, January 10.

World's Biggest Online Skate Park

Sunshine Award 2010 Award

Two days ago I received the prize sunshine award 2010 by Sonia Caporali ( LINK), a blogger who surprised me with this wonderful news. What can I say .. it's always nice to be appreciated especially by people who do it for the sheer pleasure of it and not to gain some advantage.

When you are winning you must:

-thank those who have honored us.
-Write a post for the award.
-increased to 12 blogs that we deserve.
-Enter the link of each of the blogs that we have chosen.
-Telling rewarded.

I chose to reward:

Outlander - The foreign

My library romantic

Juneross Blog

Moray Place

Is not It Romantic?

Books of Claire

Atelier Books


Outlandish Icons

The pleasure of reading

The flame of destiny

live, study and work in Scotland

Where Can I Buy Incontinence Swimwear

il meritato riposo!

found here with a nice story ...