Monday, August 9, 2010

Glory Holes In Columbus, Ohio

From "Ice" Thomas Bernhard

Il pittore Strauch è un caso clinico psichiatrico.  
"He explained how he had learned to treat people like stones, and to consider new things as old facts. How he discovered what is devoid of thought, what makes us free thought, solitary, sluggish. As if in him knew that reconciled the future present and past, and continue this game until the point where they began to slip away. As he had learned with a simple calculation to switch your body to extinguish the spirit, to push in a direction for him at that time was predetermined, "the only direction," a feeling that perhaps lasted only a fraction of a second. How dare live only among the dead, to resign, destitute men off precipitates. He passed through life as through a tunnel with no end and nothing but darkness. And cold.

"Ice" Thomas Bernhard


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