Monday, August 30, 2010

Hiv Rash Comes And Goes


"This is your face," he says. "This is your crooked nose, this Thin your mouth, and that your chin is too small. These are not your hair color, and these are your eyes without a personality."
"Well," meet its thousands of reflections in the mirror broke, "we finally know."

Make Someone Fall Asleep


With the city no longer addresses the word. Prefers the province, the bordolago, old bridle paths, mountain huts. It's a matter of resistance away from the places of power that awaits the new advances, and imagine it as if the forest march against Macbeth. Her is a conspiracy against the rule of the ugliness.

Soap Notes And Give Examples Occupational


What do they think the insects when they are stopped? Evaluate the situation? And that idea may be, of whatever their situation? Are they sleeping? Or are they simply paralyzed by fear? They live in a state of constant and total unconsciousness, or rather of perpetual tension and incurable? The Adalia bipunctata continues to linger on the edge of the open window, or inside the house nor in the rest of the world.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Small Estate Affidavit Indiana

#88 (68/2)

The Devil zono hungry tiger mosquitoes, which they launched their last desperate attack in the early hours of the day is now done.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Pro-tek Chemicals Job Scam

thanks and a reminder to Saramago

Finally the days are getting a bit 'shortening the time even though this summer seems to hold with this hot and muggy this, but like the idea that now will be little resistance that can make me high season.
was a bit 'that I wrote and I apologize, but to write with a little' feeling of need to create at least a little silence and when you are busy in matters of survival is not easy, the action you put it to rest a bit more 'later, so that the silence that will come after will have a different sense.

E 'impressive often thought of as being well belong to us and is the most natural thing in the days we live in and out, and other times when instead we feel all our efforts were negated by the effort, from what goes against our idea of \u200b\u200bgood, but while we build everything, you always see the same things happen to different people, the passage of time the colors change, questions that change with age, but in the end those Sometimes there are answers that have their silence or the silence of arrogance I understand.
Somehow everything ends in silence. For one reason or another. for truth, saccenza or exhaustion, and that is why everything becomes a struggle because it does not happen. As I said

is a period in which they are very busy with work other than photos, which I like, but at the same time I handle a little 'can devote to writing, what got me loose even to set foot in the blog today was to interview past two in the morning the other day to José Saramago (unfortunately died in June this year) and that the best-known for his novel Blindness.
How do you tell those who live on other planes, and those people who do not speak but flying a little 'how did De Andrè with his songs. and several other people with their art. Needless to say, we understand that these people are blessed with different aura, a little 'the feeling I had knowing that I know or Gianni Celati, Ezio Vendrame or for entirely different reasons, but there are people who live in other areas and sincerely Saramago I really thought that this genius as well as the service has neither parents nor children, but enjoys manipulating the existence and sees the changes in its transformation.

talks about the places, where he lives and where he lived, says that " live in a place, but we live in the memory " he was the example of the fact that he lived in Tias in Portugal (where he is also dead), but what I remember in the countries that were continuazine until then had lived since his childhood, youth and beyond, and that those countries which he lives, for example, are countries of another time and another space, obviously (he spoke in Berlin), the Berlin that he could have lived in my head was alive, lived in his head, but certainly not the Berlin of today.

Although in itself may seem an obvious consideration, the manner in which the said mi ha fatto pensare molto, e penso faccia pensare molto in molti; ho pensato che sì, il presente significa che ciò che viviamo è una stanza per il nostro futuro, ciò che viviamo è la nostra ipoteca, è quello di cui vivremo, ma inteso proprio come spazio tempo, è l'altrove che ci salverà, è fermare la vita vivendola per poterla rivisitare.
Ed è davvero così perché quando ricordo, tutto è vibrante ancora, forse più di allora eppure quelle cose sono andate.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Best Std Clinic Toronto


I encounter is on the landing of the office, a glass door between us, he needs to go to get a badge on a photocell, for me to exit, simply push a panic-type handle. Been here a lot longer than me. It must go, I have to leave. I approached the door. I see. Puts his hand in his pocket. She looks at me. I put my hand on the handle. He pulls out his wallet. I open the door. He pulls out the badge. Is looking at me. I push the door, go out, am departing to get through. He is still standing beside the photocells, passes over the badge. The door's just touching the head. We can not reduce it. He puts the badge in his wallet, the wallet in his pocket. Join. I do not see anymore. We can not reduce it.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Glory Holes In Columbus, Ohio

From "Ice" Thomas Bernhard

Il pittore Strauch è un caso clinico psichiatrico.  
"He explained how he had learned to treat people like stones, and to consider new things as old facts. How he discovered what is devoid of thought, what makes us free thought, solitary, sluggish. As if in him knew that reconciled the future present and past, and continue this game until the point where they began to slip away. As he had learned with a simple calculation to switch your body to extinguish the spirit, to push in a direction for him at that time was predetermined, "the only direction," a feeling that perhaps lasted only a fraction of a second. How dare live only among the dead, to resign, destitute men off precipitates. He passed through life as through a tunnel with no end and nothing but darkness. And cold.

"Ice" Thomas Bernhard

Internship At Def Jam Records


Surrounded by mountains (and cows) Segantini, surrounded by men and women in perfect shape, besieged by the word of the Lord, that there seems to be everywhere.
Any descent is a climb, when viewed from the wrong direction, and so from my point of view: as always, unable to overtake me, I am my only obstacle.

Friday, August 6, 2010

How Much Do Pearls Sell For

of the country.

He was cross-legged in the square of Portovenere. Sitting on the slate. The round, fifty, wrapped by a narrow and short yellow shorts. Calling for the old country. From time to time with the right hand stroked her long hair curls. In the other an ordinary phone. The head shock in fits and starts to show off her long neck tanned. He wore inside the wreckage of a beauty past. Unbearable to look old tiger. Seemed to scream to the world "Here I am, I came to the world to build your birds into the sky." Before me, the easiest prey. Eighty I stared for a moment, then made a face and touched the package. He died by the desire to fuck.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bosch Dishwasher Film

tuba does not age

Every now and if there comes to me immediately want to reread that now that I have consumed is not tuba there, from that moment on I began to realize that depression can be defeated even with books that look like books, are far more books instead of those books that are of books, short The fact is that after 13 years, I'm going back to read that book that has thrown Paolo Nori Olympus of those writers who call themselves writers, I mean no offense.

Then I read the adventures of Learco Ferrari, not to be confused with Learco Pignanoli, to which the same Learco Ferrari has many merits, if only in name, with the difference that Lerach PIgnanoli but surely more hunger than fame, instead Learco Ferrari was sympathetic to many more people, the rest Learco Pignanoli has a twisted personality, and his laugh is even more twisted and twisted this thing do not understand it all. Instead Learco ferrari in spite of Lerach Pignanoli simpleton seems less and thus is often fucked up because it's too easy in the reasoning, but they do laugh, even if people sfotte, sfotte but more laughs, so then I have known more.

Those were good times and then I bear a passage that I like what he says is time Learco Ferrari:

"Dear Susanna Agnelli
tomorrow marries a friend of my daughter, who is the son of our family doctor. It 'a very dear boy, we did a lot of good and even invited us to his wedding. Recommend, please, un regalo di buon gusto da fargli”.
E Susanna Agnelli rispondeva

“Un impianto stereofonico. Ce ne sono di tutti i prezzi e si fa sempre bella figura.”

A me, per esempio, mi scriverebbero:

“Caro Learco Ferrari,
abbiamo invitato a cena dei nostri amici a cui teniamo molto. Consigliaci un menù adeguato e di buon gusto.”
E io risponderei:

"A nice pot of shit, it costs nothing and there is plenty."

Paolo Nori - From tuba and there the resulting Landing May 1999