Monday, March 8, 2010

Medical Expenses For The Nfl

Sarzana Full Comics 2010

work and live in La Spezia. I work in a service of digital printing, from business cards to large format banners. I also write comics and I am proudly one of the founders of the Cultural Double Shot.

When I hear Full comics that he decided to move from Piacenza in Sarzana am very happy. First of all because I know Sarzana. Sarzana is a place that hardly disappoint, the administration has, over the years, believing in the events that have become national caliber ("antiques show," The books on the street, "" boundless ", etc. ...") and international ("Festival of the Mind"). I say that the organization headed by Salvatore Primiceri has made the right choice. We live La Spezia to Sarzana envying the "life" at night and above all the cultural events that offers its citizens.

Sarzana is the best choice because the comic has already found a welcoming home: Comic House. In the small town in Liguria have passed in recent years, thanks to the comic books of Daniel and Valentina, superstars of comics: Gipi, Garden, Ausonia, Ponticelli, Burchielli, Vess, Eddie Campbell, Vanna Vinci, Toppi, Lloyd, Talbot, Stan, Vauro , Vincino, Cossi, Frezza, Milazzo to name a few.

Then, the icing on the cake. I hear that the fair will be Firmafede fortress. The best place, the perfect show. The fortress know it well because the organization and fitters of "national antiques fair" turn the company I work for posters, banners etc ... The fortress is located in a transition zone, but with a minimum visual communication easily becomes a place of great attraction. A medieval castle in a unique center for pedestrians is the best place to spend the weekend. In theory, the organizers have in my hands a little gem to be enhanced, with the certainty of being able to find their permanent location after Sarzana pilgrimages of the past years, through at least decent results.

The days of the fair, unfortunately, are the same Bilbolbul in Bologna. The founders della Double Shot si dividono in due (siamo in nove, quindi no problem) per garantire una buona presenza in tutte e due le manifestazioni. Ci portiamo dietro, come al solito, gli autori. Se a bologna vanno Liniers e Shadmi, a Sarzana ci portiamo dietro Ausonia e l'esordiente Michele Penco. Pensiamo, come associazione culturale, di fare cosa gradita nell'organizzare due Workshop gratuiti per la manifestazione nelle giornate di sabato e domenica.

Mercoledì 3 marzo , nella pausa pranzo parto dalla Spezia in direzione Lucca per uno scambio di scatoloni con il President D'Uva della DS. Lucca sembra the Mexican border. There beaks just past the toll booth east of Lucca, we open the luggage, we pass a dozen boxes, we smoke a cigarette between laughter and concerns, we said hello to hard and the two and a half back to our respective jobs.

Friday, March 5 take leave from work and drive delivery towards Firmafede. I am a bit 'late. The fair opens at 10 and eight and a half when I arrive. I'm afraid of not being able to set up the whole time. I do not want to find the booth under construction when the first visitors will already be turning for the Banquet looking for some new comic masterpiece. When I get to the fortress I immediately realize that my predictions were far from reality. There is no banner on the main facade. The fortress for a passer-by looks empty and inaccessible. The totem at the entrance have signs of the "festival of the mind" in early September. Above, attached with tape two posters 70X100 Full comics are about to leave the piece pushed by the wind. The impression is that those 70X100 belong to a community center, or an event long over. But no. Everything has yet to begin. The area which is the fair market "Vetrone. Appendix modern in the moat of the fortress. The most remote. I am stunned. Not only the facade is bare, but entered into no signs indicating to visitors the hot zone of Full Comics. Luckily I know the road. Within the outdoor walkway that leads to "Vetrone" and turned the corner, I understand that we have yet to start but everything is already done. In front stands still 4metriX8metri the banner, which I've printed this summer. The word is "XXX national exhibition of antiques." I make five or six trips back and forth and every time I turn the corner and I see the banner I am convinced of the failure. Everything is already written. I wonder who the genius who thought to visual communication. The stands are nice, maybe the best I've ever seen in the many trade fairs I've done the last few years. But even in this case are the usual fair of antiques. The organization has found it all ready. I still wonder "what have they done?". Then comes Gio, and I understand that for us the DS everything goes great. That this is a reunion for us, a time for more fun and fuck. On Friday, the fortress is empty. Enter maybe 20 paying passengers. But there's Checks, Ausonia, Bruno, Lisa, Nico, Giuseppe, Farinon, Balls and Mane. You fuck as usual, but holed up in the cold because the organization does not turn on the heaters. Then I know the guys at the International School of Comics in Reggio are in hand, nice. We get a laugh over the rubble and get to eat all'Osteria dei Sani con gli amici di Comic House. Si mangia bene, ci si diverte ma tutti, rigorosamente con le dita incrociate.

Sabato 6 Marzo i riscaldamenti sono accesi. Io e Gio abbiamo un incontro. Il pensiero costante è che non ci sarà nessuno. E invece no. Incontriamo casualmente i partecipanti al bar, cinque minuti prima dell'inizio. Ci dicono che hanno cercato la stanza ma non l'hanno trovata. "Nessun problema ragazzi, non l'hanno segnalata, ma io so dove si trova. Prendiamo un caffè e andiamo". Instauriamo un clima informale e ci dirigiamo alla stanza che però è lucchettata. Could not be accessed without the keys. We turn to the direction that is intent on not selling the books " Editions Voilier. not know anything. We are told to turn in the meantime that the organizer has fled. He says he's sick. Credere.Dopo I will wait a minute I turn my balls. Let the kids go on the lawn, and we do a good chat an hour and a half. We see their work. At the end seem to be happy, thank you. They come from Rome and Bergamo. People very good and polite. If I did travel 500 km to go to a lawn, I would send to fuck the editors of Workshop free of all responsibility. Saturday Pence adds to the caravan. I've convinced me to come, I'm glad to see him again. The trend is that the day before. A wonderful reunion with friends. If you enter 150 is paying a big party. At half past six Checco and I go to collect their prizes. In this case, "the best publisher" and "best short stories." This, unfortunately, I do not even softened a bit '. The grounds for winning the best publisher there is "always stand for their original and lively." We are asked to smile for photos. We can not do even a little '. We do not want to switch from "hard men", conceited rock star who spit on premiums because they are too "well" for such things. The awards make us pleasure. But it was clear that the organization of the comic strip, exhibitions, the content did not matter a saw. About exhibitions. There are some jump due to lack of frames. Saturday inform the band that I'm going to leave the show. Mondays are back to work and this one Sunday at five land is preferable. At the end we decided to bring the ninety percent of the registers in Florence making it more agile departure on Sunday. We remain, but we decide, given the turnout, to arrive at a quarter past and let us only the afternoon.

Sunday March 7, is a quarter to one. I'm with Bruni to wash the car in Santo Stefano. I get a call from Michele Penco. "Hello Sam, here I am told that my name is not there. No problem, I'll pay if ..."
"You're not in the list of guests at the hotel?"
"Apparently not."
"I'll call you in a minute, do not pay shit and you're peaceful."

I sling into a fortress Penco name that I pass the front desk. Pass the phone babbling apologies to the organizer, and errors can resolve the situation. Pence comes to stand with the two Farinon.
The workshop room has always lock, heaters, given the turnout on Saturday, I'm off again. Freezes. Eye, and being generous paying another 100. Come to our stand a man who writes for "Fumo di China." We are complimented for the catalog, buy and Macanudo Band Secure. Li puff stand. Then come back and bolus injection of compliments. I'm hungry and I have to go to the bathroom. So go out and go in the yard of the fortress. E 'in place of a concert Cosplayer. There will be 50 people, none of these appeared at Vetrone with publishers. Cosplayer on stage pretending to be from Friends of Maria de Filippi. I hear screaming into the microphone phrases like "Do you fight as if you were tronista", "Talk about imitating Maria de Filippi. I am embarrassed, as when I saw Amber on Mediaset to 11 years. That shame empathy. Back in the desert. The only people you are chatting stand personnel. I talk to the boy from Arcadia, with the publishers of his friend Mark on-line. I know the guys in the booth Tunuè, she always has a smile and is friendly and helpful. They are professionals, not me. I am pissed. I read a report on written event live from Full Comics. Talk about a parallel world. Celebrates the successful treatment and the presence of the organization. He says that no one felt abandoned. Then insert the allusions, without saying names, speaking vaguely of people, unpleasant situations. He launches into a challenging game to write vague accusations and then be able to respond to possible criticism on the grounds of not being understood, understood. It seems to be in a Lynch film. In the end they are exhausted. Ausonia load with a box of comics and mail it back with the courts in Florence. Then, with Bruni Farinon and run away before seven.

'm in the car, The Bruni is taking seven to € Sushi Japanese restaurant. I am reminded of Daniel and Valentina Comic House and the halls incazzatura me. I light a cigarette and brooding. I think the ass that has been made in the past ten years to convince the administration of Sarzana the comic is a noble art. I think the reception that they have always given to authors and publishers. Professionalism that have to maintain and strengthen working relationships, which almost always end up becoming friends. And I'm even more angry thinking about how they were put in half by the organizers of this exhibition, put together by people who not only cartoon he beat his balls, but they are completely unable to organizational communications. Comic House è stato, durante la fiera, l'unico punto di riferimento credibile. Sono gli unici che si sono scusati per cose di cui non erano responsabili. Prendo il cellulare e li chiamo. Gli dico che mi dispiace, ma sono a smontare uno stand enorme. Anche nel nulla, hanno fatto le cose come andavano fatte.

Full Comics sembrava un'autogestione liceale. Ma mancavano le paglie, le ragazze e i mazzi di carte.

Lunedì 8 Marzo L'organizzazione è scappata da Sarzana.

post some pictures, to understand what happened. Without replicas can convoluted.

space that the organization has dedicated to Tito Faraci, a sacred monster of Italian comics. (Here's the first day of the exhibition at 15.30.)


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