Slave of fate - 4th chapter My mind was wandering probing them every last recess of my subconscious. I could feel your body swaying as if suspended in the air resulting in a very peculiar feeling.
I tried to open my eyes, but it was as if nothing more than respond to my commands: insubordination sure. My body was rebelling against me, not happy with the way they treated him in recent weeks.
Not that I cared a girlfriend in fact, certainly, that of thinking was too difficult a task, rather, better to remain so, still, far from dolore, lontana dalla realtà, lontana da tutto.
Se avessi potuto avrei dimenticato ogni cosa, avrei abbandonato ogni ricordo, ogni luogo, ogni volto o risata, come avrei felicimente dimenticato ogni altra cosa della mia vita.
Certo non era una cosa molto coraggiosa, ma ero stanca, così dannatamente stanca, da non voler più avere a che fare con niente che mi ricordasse che un tempo ero stata viva e felice.
Tutto quello che desideravo ora era restare lì nel bel mezzo del nulla, priva di coscienza, continuando a tenere strenuamente gli occhi chiusi al mondo e a me stessa.
In quel preciso momento non sapevo dove mi trovavo, ne cosa mi stesse succedendo, non avevo la forza per cercare anche solo di capire e dare un senso and all the rest, as said before, I had not even the will.
The only thing that gave me the certainty of being alive and not about to make the long journey to the kingdom of the Gods, was the constant pain and provocative dall'alzarsi abasement of my chest.
Every breath was a searing reminder of life that still flows in me, the rest were just a tangled set of feelings is not too important.
After a while I think I lost consciousness, feeling oblivion ready to quit on me and swallow me to get away from even that small glimmer of rationality rimastomi.
Behind it stood the void, nothingness. Just my life in small drops that dripped ricandendo then one by one there where darkness reigned, and where it hides all the worst that dwells in every human being.
I do not know how long I spent in quell'luogo is called NOTHING, I just know that the initial swing was replaced by a quiver unstable, in turn replaced by a more blessed moment of peace and darkness.
Only once I managed to open my eyes, and what I saw was a large chest on which was pogiata my cheek.
I kept staring in front of me for a few moments, then back to the unconscious swallow again, for that would not be the last time.
The slight breeze gently touched my dress, while her face turned to the sun languidly moved his foot immersed in water the lake in just over two hours' walk from Hellas.
The birds chirping in the background was that moment of peace so perfect. Nothing could ruin him.
I thought back to the party and how the arms of Rolande if I had to close during the dance. I felt the blood salirmi to color the cheeks without reflecting in the water.
With a sigh I raised my foot and I sank down on the grass in bloom, smiling hopefully, already anticipating the next game that certainly would have happened that night.
opened my eyes to the sound of the voice of my brother. "Glauco You"
"Sister" tormented tone of voice made me get up and turn around. As soon as I put
gli occhi sulla sua figura insanguinata lanciai un urlo e corsi verso di lui. "Glauco mio Dio sei ferito"
Mi prese le spalle e le strinse in una morsa "Torna indietro e combatti"
"Non capisco cosa vuoi dire..."
Lacrime brucianti scesero sulle mie guancie senza saperne il motivo. Le asciugai e una volta guardatami i palmi li vidi insanguinati. Tutto ad un tratto mi sentii strana e dolorante.
"Glaudo non posso. Non posso farlo" Scossi la testa piangendo e sporcandomi ancora di più.
"Si che puoi, devi! per tutti noi Faolar, fallo per noi che ti amiamo,vai avanti, affronta le avversità a testa alta, e vivi! fallo per amor nostro. Vivi per noi Faolar. Non fuggire dalla realtà, non venire più qui. Affronta tutto e vivi!" Le sue mani mantennero la presa, mentre i suoi occhi erano fissi nei miei come due fuochi ardenti che cercavano di infondermi la sua forza. E allora ricordai tutto quanto. L'invasione, e l'uccisione di mio fratello sotto i miei stessi occhi, sentire la sua vita scivolare via proprio sopra di me, riecchegiando nel silenzio che si era venuto a formare nel mio cuore.
"Mio Dio!" singhiozzai "Mio Dio Glauco" lo abbraccia, stringedolo a me con tutta la forza possibile "Non posso farcela, è cosi difficile, non c'è più amore per me, ne un luogo da chiamare casa. Come posso affrontare tutto questo? c'è solo sofferenza,dolore e solitudine."
Mi stacco da se, accarezzandomi her cheek with his hand. "I wonder how you can own that you've always been so courageous? Remember the time when I was seven, when you're trapped in that hole in the forest for more than four hours?" Anuii his head, trying to wipe my face, "Yes I remember but that's nothing compared to what is happening to me now" He smiled reviving a strand behind her ear, "Of course I know," said a short break before resuming, "but you were a child, and in spite of everything when you have found, we have welcomed, as if I was quiet the whole time playing with dolls, and you do not say anything even when you have tidied up the arm. " broke away from me "You were brave since then, and strong. What was only the promise of the beautiful woman who promised to become "stood in silence trying to absorb his words." Now this woman, heal, and try to make your life what would have been able to always be "I picked up his clothes in
jerking my hands weakly, "But you? how can you? Perhaps if I had not gone back to look for us you would be in my place, you would be here to fight us, "she ex plan then in his hands shaking.
" Maybe. Maybe I'd still be alive and maybe, just maybe, I would be for you. But you know what sister? "I shook my head." I do not deny anything that I did, I loved and I was happy to sacrifice my life in order to have a chance di farcela." lo guardai mentre lasciandomi le mani piano piano si allontanava, vestendo quella tunica macchiata di sangue che era li in ricordo delle ferite mortali che aveva ricevuto.
"Vivi, Faolar, e noi vivremo con te".
"Addio...fratello". "Ah!" mi alzai a sedere di scatto mentre una scarica di dolore si diffonteva in tutto il corpo.
Una mano gentile si posò sul mio petto spingendomi giù.
Fissai lo sconosciuto con occhi spalancati, mentre questi immergeva un panno in un catino vicino al letto,strizzandolo poi con entrambe le mani.
Quando tornò ad avvicinarsi con la pezza tentai debolmente di allontarmi, impaurita dalle intenzioni dell'uomo.
Guardando i miei patetici tentavi the unknown block me gently by the arm thus forcing him to stop.
"I know it is useless to ask you not to be afraid" looked down at my body, thus following the movement of his own hand while with the patch I cleaned the wounds on the deposits which had formed. "But I still want you to know that I'm not going to hurt you."
As he continued his work as a cleaning of my body recovered full consciousness, and with it the pain that I riappropriai powerful invaded me, leaving me half unconscious and feverish.
I wanted to get away from the bed, away from there, but could not. I was at the mercy of the stranger, naked and wounded, completely at his mercy. The
I looked around slowly, as he continued his work undaunted, ignoring my fearful look and behave as if everything was all natural.
closed my eyes trying to exclude him from my sight.
Living ... this was what I had asked Glaucus.
was something really difficult, but we'd try a little at a time.
"You have a fever," one man's voice was calm and deep.
I opened my eyes back at him for a moment before closing it again. I felt hot and sore, and a state of confusion did not allow me to think over my situation. So it was that allowed to oblivion again to welcome me in his arms.
Fire, screams and death si mischiavano ad immagini di un passato impossibile da dimenticare, che prendeva vita in me come se mille fiamme vive bruciassero tutto quello che era rimasto del mio corpo martoriato.
Non potevo rimanere lì, dovevo muovermi, dovevo fare qualcosa per scacciare quelle visioni terribili, dovevo...
"Stai calma" una mano fresca si posò sulla mia fronte, occupando il posto di quella che doveva essere una pezzuola fredda.
"Ah" appena cercai di alzarmi scariche di dolore si propagarono tra i miei arti, e la debolezza mi schiaccio nuovamente sul materasso.
"Il braccio dell'uomo cinse le mie spalle e mi portò alle labbra dell'acqua, che bevvi con avidità.
"Piano, non esagerare" lo guardai negli occhi mentre I drank more slowly.
"That's so good in small sips." Once I finished drinking riadagio down slowly.
A hand rose to move away a lock of hair from her face, but despite the illness, I was quick to dodge to prevent it from touching me more than it should.
not know the man, and his appearance, as pleasant, it reminded me too that race so cruel.
had treated me with kindness from the first moment we met, on my arrival that the alien and hostile place, helping me to get up at a time of difficulty, but it was still one of them, and some kind gesture was not enough to erase with one shot everything I had been done.
However, after having refused so obviously I was afraid of the reaction that I could raise, and I instinctively covered my face with her hands, waiting for a punishment to my amazement, it never arrived.
slowly lowered his hands by remaining silent. He was still hanging there with his hand and looked sad.
"Do not be afraid of me," he sighed, "I know you is hard to accept, but not like them" He rose from his chair placed near the side of the bed where I lay.
"You have every reason to react like that. Now he rests"
I could hear the sound of his footsteps as he walked away from the room, enable us to relax.
closed my eyes and slipped into a deep sleep.
Non so quanto tempo passò prima di riaprire nuovamente gli occhi, So solo che quando mi svegliai la stanza era fiocamente illuminata dalla luce di una candela.
Mi sentivo ancora debole e dolorante ma, la prima cosa che feci fu controllare che in giro non ci fosse nessuno.
Piano piano mi alzai a sedere, memore del mio stato di salute, una volta riuscitaci mi sentii orgogliosa della mia piccola conquista.
Scostando le coperte pogiai i piedi sul pavimento di legno, fermandomi qualche momento per riprendere le forze. Purtroppo dovevo andare in bagno e volevo farlo prima che arrivasse lo sconosciuto ad aiutarmi. Vagai con lo sguardo per la camera in cerca di un piccolo secchio o qualche altra bacinella, ma l'unica che vidi disponibile was full of bloody water beside my bed.
Apparently I was supposed to come out. Took a deep breath and still moving very slowly began to stand up. Just sollevatami had suffered dizziness and had to lean on the small table on which rested the tray.
My body was covered with bandages in their time of my own blood-stained, immediately I felt a retching nausea.
But despite the dizziness, I went ahead undeterred by putting one step after another until you reach the door frame to which I have relied heavily. I was exhausted, but I feel the same. I threw open the wooden door trembling, and I found out.
The cold wind of the evening suddenly hit me. Closed occhi per un momento cercando di assaporarlo nonostante il mio corpo gemeva dal dolore. Poi liriaprii mandandando indietro la testa e guardando il cielo stellato sopra di me, che si stendeva splendente e magnifico sopra il mondo, gettando sulla terra un velo luminoso che rendeva tutto magico.
Alla fine quando sentii di non farcela piu trovai un piccolo angolino poco lontano dalla porta, che raggiunsi tenendo una mano poggiata alla parete. Finalmente arrivai alla mia meta, accovacciandomi e liberandomi. Poi mi rialzai in piedi e la vista mi si offuscò, mossi qualche passo nella direzione nella quale ero venuta, ma alla fine mi accasciai al suolo, incosciente.
Poi avvertii afferrami sotto le spalle e una mano scivolarmi nella piega delle ginocchia, e lasciai the ground, supported by that man who had helped me many times before.
I looked at him while I was carrying and looked annoyed, or maybe it was his only concern. When he realized that I was looking back at me with those eyes incredibly magnetic. I laid my head on his chest, no forces, as they crossed the threshold of the house again and came riadagiata on the bed, now grown cold.
As soon as I had covered the embers now turned to off and fumbled around the brazier with the flints crouch, and carry out its task. The shots of the two stones rubbed together echoed until the fire was rekindled. Spoke on standing by his voice echoing nella stanza tornata al completo silenzio. “Perché non mi hai aspettato?” attese una risposta che non giunse mai. Strinsi debolmente le coperte al petto temendo una reazione irata. “Capisci quello che hai rischiato? Non sei in grado di muoverti da sola, avresti dovuto aspettarmi” fece una pausa. Più che arrabbiato sembrava accigliato “Bene, rimani anche in silenzio, ora però devo ricontrollarti le fasciature, sono insanguinate, qualche ferita deve essersi riaperta” si avvicinò al letto con fare deciso. Tirò delicatamente le coperte e quando vide che non ero disposta a cedere terreno, mi tolse le mani con decisione scostando poi le coperte da se.
Fissai per la prima volta il mio corpo dopo molto tempo. Grandi strisce di tessuto mi fasciavanovil corpo dal seno fino ad rrivare alle ginocchia. Non pensavo di essere ridotta così male, ecco spiegato il bruciore che mi torturava.
Alcune delle fasciature erano macchiate di sangue.
"Dovrò toglierti queste tre fasce, e per farlo ho bisogno che tu ti alzi a sedere" Anuii debolmente e appena accennai a muovermi mi venne in soccorso cingendomi le spalle con un braccio e aiutandomi fino a quando non mi ritrovai nella posizione desiderata.
Tenevo lo sguardo lontano da quel suo volto che tanto mi turbava, fissando invece le sue grandi mani, dalla forma affusolata.
I calli sui polpastrelli dimostravano che anche lui era avezzo al lavoro e a maneggiare una spada. Tuttavia la sua pelle non had the unpleasant texture of the hands that I had fumbled before his arrival. Apparently his main job was not a soldier, and I was glad this was a detail that helped me to remember that he was not the monster that I had done this.
shame I felt when I bared part, but his calm and smooth movements began to relax as is customary for a small litany.
was why I was surprised when he took a jar of clay pogiata on the shelf near the wall on which was near the small brazier.
Just removed the skin covering the upper end spread in the room the smell inconfondibille dell'Altea and Malva.
I infused a sense of familiarity, recalling the long afternoons spent with my mother in the woods in search of new plants to use. The women of the family
nsotra were healing well and I was educated myself.
What was the man was preparing a poultice to heal skin wounds and promote healing.
I watched him take plenty of ointment and place by two bands, then going to place it directly on the uncovered skin.
A refreshing feeling came and blessed me let out a small moan, for the first time in a long time not in pain.
I turned and saw that the man had left the corner of his mouth lifted in a faint smile, so I raced to turn his head again, feeling the blush rise to color the cheeks already flushed by the fever.
I was silent all the time used to apply the poultice, then before being riadagiata Jun, the man rose from his chair and walked to a small saucepan just removed from the heat.
He filled a glass with what must be a decoction of holly, and then returned to the bed, handing me the glass was also of terracotta.
"Drink," he said peremptorily "We need to help the fever to leave your body."
took the cup from his outstretched hand, and sipped slowly, too weak to mention even a single protest. I was taking care of the rest in an exemplary manner and I had no right to complain.
Once finished drinking, the glass held out again, and then I lie down, happy to fall asleep.
However, before letting me go, I turned my head toward him and with a hoarse voice asked "What is your name?"
I gave away before answering, "My name Ruari Moray" waited a moment before you direct me to the door is wide open "now rests"
soon as I heard the sound of his footsteps move away, closed my eyes and silently repeated the name of my savior.