Saturday, February 27, 2010

Employment Agreement Beautician

Slave of fate - the 3rd chapter

The metallic sound of the lock that opened ominously echoed inside the cell.
I lifted his head slowly - until then leaning wearily on his knees. I
scostai hair from her face with a trembling hand, well it was finally our turn came to leave from there.
Honestly I did not care a much about what would happen to me once out of that cave that had become my personal nightmare.
The stench was unbearable, as the dirt that reigned there.
I laid a hand on the ground and got up with difficulty in walking.
I would certainly expect that the guards were to order.
None of my companions in misfortune dared to issue a sound, and they also hoisted up resigned.
Light was radiating more intensely allowed me to look around, and I was amazed by what I saw: Wrecks humans. People with long dirty hair and men with thick beard and shaggy.
When the soldiers were finally complete, wringing their hands ready to be tied at all surprised by the treatment we were receiving, being abused had become a habit, as well as our apathetic reaction to the abuses suffered.
How many days had passed since it all began? ten days? fifteen? a month? I did not know and did not interest me, I was sinking more and more into an emotional abyss that helps me to escape that reality so intolerable for me, and the emotional state of dizziness was the only thing that allowed me to not go crazy, not to revise for the thousandth time the scenes of carnage that ran in my dreams every time you dare let our guard down.
stubbornly stared at the wall in front of me until I felt hands be tied so closely to feel pain.
We stayed in a few, two women crouched between them were not raised by their bed, I watched a soldier who was walking quickly toward them
"Rise force" frowned angrily when the two women did not obey his command.
kick A in one of two, waited a few seconds then turning to his superior when he received no response no reaction. "I'm dead sir"
"Leave them there, I'll send someone to the latest jets in the mass grave "
Immediately the tension level rose and snakes among us survivors.
before being pushed out from the door I turned to look at the two women holding hands, while a solitary tear ran free in my cheek .
"Move, damn it, do not let me say it twice if you do not want to reduce as those two there, or Death!"
not answer, but accelerated the pace by taking my place in line, as he raised his hands tied to the dry tear, a symbol of humanity who still lived in me.
As we prepare to climb the stairs for the first time in a long time I return to resurface the ankle pain that I had forgotten, having actually walked a bit more time.
I looked down and saw her swollen than it had ever been, I do not believe that patience is very important, certainly I would not have served to run and run away, so the only thing that remained was to classify this as a of so much pain that I was forced to endure in silence. To be honest I considered myself lucky not because I was also fairly low in the worst conditions.
mentally counted every step that we got, and once reached the top I recognized the room where we were, having traveled in the opposite direction long ago.
When you step in front of the imposing wooden door, solid facts we had to stop waiting the warrior leader of our group scream orders to open the doors to get us through.
As soon as I found myself outside, I felt the sunlight hurt me eyes, forcing me to close them. What I felt at a later time was the fresh air filled my lungs free yourself from that smell of dirt that had become so familiar as to be perceived even more.
Finally I heard the cries of a crowd gathered in the plaza of the fort, were shouting that I drove slowly to open his eyes.
walked to the center of the square where we expected more guards, some of them sitting on benches in front of which had been made of tables rather lopsided. The soldiers
seduti erano intenti a scrivere qualcosa su dei fogli mentre la folla di persone strepitava sempre di più.

Un'altro soldato venne a disporci in fila per uno, mentre un suo compagno prese il ragazzo accanto a me portandolo vicino ad un palo al centro della piazza dove gli furono tagliati i lunghi capelli. Lo stesso soldato appena posate le forbici prese un ferro lungo da un mucchio di braci che non avevo notato.

Venne fatta abbassare la testa al ragazzo e l'estremità incandescente che fino ad allora era stata poggiata direttamente sulle braci fu premuta con mano ferma sulla base del collo del ragazzo che lanciò un urlo disumano mentre si dibatteva nel tentare di liberarsi.

Appena il ferrò fu allontanato, un piccolo secchio d'acqua fu gettato lì dove si era formato un marchio.

Il ragazzo venne poi fatto portare gocciolante difronte la folla e vicino a uno degli uomini seduti ai tavoli.

Partì cosi, inaspettatamente quella che era un asta. Con stupore compresi il motivo per il quale eravamo lì: Ci stavano vendendo, nemmeno fossimo bestie.

Un coro di voci si alzò dalla folla facendo proposte sempre più consistenti.

Al termine dell'asta il ragazzo fu venduto per un sacco e mezzo di avena lavorata. La donna che se lo era aggiudicato si diresse verso il tavolo a ritirare I assumed it was a document that certified the membership of the slave.

The same treatment was reserved for two men to his right who were later dragged away in chains by their new masters for a life of slavery.

was it the turn of a kid who should not have more than thirteen years.
The only difference is that once you face those marked on one side and threw up, right on the foot soldier to leader of the group that was next, who draws the sword I bring the stake, tied him and cut his throat in front of the crowd amused by the spectacle.
Speaking to us put away the sword still dirty blood in the sheath.
"That there is a warning, scum." paused walking back and forth making a spectacle, pleased with himself. "No one can hope to perform an act so shameful to us without receiving an appropriate punishment for your crimes" another pause, "Your life does not matter a damn for us, the sooner you will understand better"
A last faint moan was issued by the boy, and the eerie silence that came from his direction, made us realize that it was now dead.
I was horrified by the act so horribly barbaric that had been done.
the men correctly expressed in words, but in the ways they were savages. The body was loose and
thrown on one side, and my eye was drawn to the disgust of the one who was able to perform an act so inhumane. The hated, hated the infinitely long, with all the fury that my heart was torn in a position to provarem pouring it on him all the sins of the mistreatment until then all my people.
was a cursed, were all cursed, a soulless band of profane, unprincipled, abandoned by all the gods.
A mass murderers who did not give the slightest value to the most beautiful thing I own: life.
I stared long and hard so that I could not help but be noticed by one of the soldiers who nudged what had become il mio capro espiatorio.

Fu così che mi notò, girandosi con il busto verso di me,indicandomi alzando il grande braccio muscoloso e peloso.

"Ehi Tu!" si avvicinò a me con un sorrisetto malvagio. "Ma guarda un po cosa abbiamo qui" Abbassò il viso fino ad arrivare alla mia altezza, fissandomi così direttamente negli occhi. "Vorresti uccidermi dì la verità" mi guardò a lungo, mentre rimasi in silenzio non osando sfidarlo ancora di più "Oh si che vorresti, lo vedo nei tuoi occhi" Sorrise compiaciuto. Era un bel uomo e lui sapeva di esserlo, lo si vedeva dal modo compiacente nel quale si muoveva nonostante il rigido rigore di soldato.

Risollevò il volto prendendomi i polsi con una sola grande mano, stringendoli forte alzandoli e costringendomi cosi a stendere le braccia verso il cielo.

"Bene gente, abbiamo qui un succulento bocconcino pronto per voi. Chi vuole comperare questa bella ragazza?" Un coro di offerte salì immediatamente dalla folla.

Ridendo di gusto l'uomo mi porto verso il braciere con il ferro incandescente che riposava su di esso. Cercai debolmente di scansarmi, impaurita da quello che mi stava aspettando.

"Non fai più la spavalda ora eh?" mi sussurro all'orecchio. "Ora ti insegnerò cosa significa il dolore" Mi scostò i capelli mi abbasso di forza la testa e infine premette il metallo incandescente sulla pelle delicata alla base del collo.

Urlai come non avevo mai urlato so far, while the soldiers next to me giggled pleased.
A wave of pain lies on my skin, sweeping away until I almost lose consciousness.
not even sensed the hand of the man who removed the iron out of my skin so the pain was intense.
black spots obscuring the view of me, while I was made to bring to the post vacated by the little boy before. My mind was confused, I could not formulate a coherent thought. Mani
rude I tore what was left of my clothing as I lift my arms were made. I felt the metal cuffs closed around my wrists aching freed from the ropes.
vulgar comments I heard coming from my left ma non riuscii a comprenderne pienamente il significato.

Una sferzata sul fianco mi fece urlare, strappandomi dalla nebbia che mi circondava e lasciandomi li boccheginate e nuda, esposta agli sguardi di tutti.

"Ti piace, eh?" un altra sferzata mi colpì sul seno " Su dillo ti piace questo?" il sangue cominciò a sgorgare lentamente dalla ferita, risaltando cremisi e brillante sulla mia pelle bianca, mentre si susseguivano una sferzata dietro l'altra a distanza di pochi momenti. Strinsi i denti, cercando di trattenere ogni gemito di dolore.

A ogni ferita che mi veniva inferta sentivo le forze che mi abbandonavano lasciando dentro me solo dolore e un bruciore incredibilmente intenso. Dopo l'ennesima sferzata che mi colpì on the left calf, I wept bitter tears, I do not care anymore to be observed. That they should look well my suffering and beassero it. I looked in his eyes half-closed the man's arm that rose and fell on me, with a precision that revealed that he was unaccustomed to those practices. The blood was mixed
clammy sweat and tears. I could not stand more, and if it were not for the chains that held me upright I'd probably already fallen to the ground.
I slumped on myself but, as far as I possibly could imppostami position, leaving the head hanging, bulging in the depths of the soul.
It was then that a man whipping stopped, turned back to the public.
"Now, who wants to make an offer to the girl? As you can see was well mannered and docile will be in your hands."
Among the confusion arose a powerful deep voice and warm, unmistakably male "Fifteen gold coins"
Silence immediately fell on the square. I realized that it must have been an exorbitant sum, even among my people was very rare use of gold coins, since it is a very beautiful and precious material.
frown my torturer fixed the agent "Are you really there?" The man came forward
rattling a bag. I opened my eyes to see who was to have made a similar offer for a slave in my condition.
"I never joke"
I stared at his back as he threw the bag in brown leather on the desk of a soldier who was hurry up and prepare the parchment.
He turned toward me then, her long brown hair shining in the sun, revealing the beautiful face, revealing that unmistakable look that had been branded in my mind. The same look of him that I had put that one kind gesture, since the beginning of everything.
I stared into his eyes as he approached me, and I kept staring at him even when I untied, and he looked at me hiding a dormant force that infused me a strange sense of peace.
Then I'm free from the chains, I slumped to the ground, before forces.
L'ultima cosa che vidi, furono i suoi incredibili occhi chiari.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Truth About Sea World

A new blog again.

young I wrote the office of the town of Bologna. I Am Sam in the mail and I already feel at home. They tell me that I will be publishing the best works that have participated in competitions Flash Comics the last 3 years. During BilBOlbul present the book. They ask me if I have a web space. I answer yes and log in contemporary Here we are, with a new space, all white will try to update frequently enough.

Dall'ultima apparizione sul web qualcosa si è smosso.
Io, Giorgio e Nico abbiamo la possibilità di pubblicare Vincenzo Migliore in Francia. Speriamo che vada tutto bene e che finalmente si parta. Io intanto ho buttato via le vecchie sceneggiature e ne sto scrivendo uno ex novo. 120
pagine. Sono a pagina 25 e finalmente mi diverto.

Io e Nicola abbiamo partecipato per la seconda volta al 24 HIC. Naturalmente a Sarzana dall'amico Pignatelli. Potete scaricare quello è venuto fuori qui or in the right column, where we also find that the past year.

Also with Nico, I took part in the competition organized by CIS in Tandem "A river noir" ending in the anthology of the best work. The book is difficult to find. But post the table of Nico and the story to make you understand what we did.

With Paul and Silvia we decided to publish that masterpiece that is Braso. Still it's all top secret, but I finished the script. 54 pages.

is out Band Protected , a register of childhood for adults. The idea is Checco . Register collective published by Double Shot . I edited the graphics and wrote the screenplay for "Walkabout", one of eight comics present in the book. They wasted reviews, appearances on radio and deejay tour around Italy.

with Nico I held a course on comics at Sarzana. Comic Project. We are at the end. I was fine, the boys have worked, we have carefully followed. I'll show you something.

I'm going to eat.