Friday, March 11, 2011

Where To Buy Carving Foam

terremoto in giappone

What can we do but pray? pray for friends in Japan, for their families and all their people.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Leptospirosis Vaccine Cavalier

l'8 marzo...

I went with my luca from the florist to pick up a jar with a plan for stefania , our friend manifattive .
tutlipani were delicate and beautiful mimosa and Luke showed me, that made us a gift.
fell in love with tulips and then he has "bought" one white and one red and one yellow for himself with a mimosa for me, but made them "immazzettare" together because they had to be together like us! (Tear)
not amazing?
poppies in the background are our attempt to illuminate the room with the desire to summer!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hot Gay Spots In Miami


Immediately recognize their language, is unmistakable as is the sound of the iron. They are beautiful, perfectly-matched pair, the features carved into the wood, earrings and clothes that already here in thirty years would be hard pressed to make, and they certainly have to be forty. The smile of the Finns is different from all others. It is a smile of recognition. There is no complacency, no arrogance, only the honesty to recognize that we are made in the same way, we share the same elements, which belong to the same family. They look nice does not provide anything in return, and nothing implies. When you move to make me get off the tram I thank them in their language. Kiitos, I say, and widen their eyes and make a slight bow.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Anthropometrics For Coffee Table

Cinkue: A site for ciappinari

Da poco ho scoperto tramite una rivista specifica per le informazioni di consumo inusuale, che è stato creato Cinkue  un sito dove ognuno può proporre pubblicamente dei servizi a propri scelta da 5 a 200 euro. Quali possono essere questi servizi?

Ci sono diverse categorie che vanno dall'arte e artigianato, alla scrittura, alla finanza, web design, e molti altro come "fuori di testa" chi si offre per telefonare al tuo capo e dire che sei ammalato for 5 €, or create greeting cards, virtual personal, astrology, organize a menu, shopping for my grandmother, pretending to be your girlfriend, write reviews for your books, etc., etc..

So what you propose is, the price you will be interested and if someone buys your service via paypal or credit card. The only flaw ... every € 5 € 1 goes to the site which is 20% a bit 'pricey as entertainment I guess.

But is it worth to have a look

this site
this blog